Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FFKP Network

The FFKP Network helps connect key players from the same country or region, encouraging them to explore areas of common interest that may serve as a basis to establish partnerships and collaborations among its members.

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The information on the members of the FFKP Network is provided by the members themselves. FAO is not responsible for its accuracy, nor for any use of such information by users.

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Cooperative company for innovation in Agricultural Word of Agboville

SOCIMAA (registration number: CI-AGB-2022-C-13) is a Cooperative company focuses on Innovation in the Agricultural World of Agboville for the well-being of the farmers and customers. The cooperative has 600 family members (including women and men). At SOCIMAA, we produce and make available various quality agricultural products, respectful of human value, including...
Côte d'Ivoire

Foundation for Organic Agriculture Tanzania

Non-governmental organization
FOATZ provides knowledge and services to small farmers, especially marginalized farmers who have inadequate knowledge of ecological organic farming techniques, market skills of natural/organic products, and sustainable livelihoods. Currently, we have three ongoing projects; Organic Demo Plots at Our Head Office, Organic Farmers Groups, and Organic School Garden.
United Republic of Tanzania

Cercle d'Actions pour une Agriculture Epanouie

Non-governmental organization
L'objectif général de l’ONG est d’œuvrer pour le développement socio-économique et à la réduction de la pauvreté au Bénin à travers la promotion de l’agriculture. Ses objectifs spécifiques sont de : 1) contribuer au développement de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de l’aquaculture au Bénin, 2) faire de la science, un levier...

Agence Belge de developpement

Development Agency
Agriculture familiale , sécurité alimentaire et entreprenariat agricole, Appui institutionnel, Entreprenariat Formation ,emploi, éducation, santé, ect
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Salama Heritage Ecovillage (SHE) Africa

Salama Heritage Eocvillage (SHE) Africa is a Social Environmental Enterprise (SEE) based in Southern Province of Rwanda. We promote Climate Smart Agriculture such as Sustainably improved agricultural productivity and income. Strengthening resilience to climate change. Reducing agriculture's contribution to climate change and enhancing the achievement of Food Security and...


I-Description générale du projet La Coopérative a été créée en Octobre 2016 et sa légalisation est intervenue en date du 01 Mars 2018 sous le numéro d’agrément 247/MAEP/DGA-DAPR. Elle compte 28 (vingt huit) membres dont 10 (dix) femmes 18 (dix huit) hommes et pas d’enfants. Le Président de la Coopérative et...

Universidad Ducens

Al finalizar el plan de estudios, los egresados de la Maestría en Gestión de Sistemas Agroalimentaria serán profesionales competentes que posean amplios conocimientos en la Gestión de Sistemas Agroalimentarios, contextualizando en el territorio todas las actividades relacionadas con la producción y distribución de productos alimentarios y, en consecuencia, al cumplimiento...

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora

Nuestra facultad está comprometida con el desarrollo sostenible y el cuidado del ambiente, promoviendo proyectos y actividades que contribuyen al bienestar de la sociedad y la actividad agroindustrial.

M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

Research center
Vision: Be a leading Centre of Excellence and Resource Agency in the region, in the areas of participatory agro-biodiversity conservation, promotion of genetic literacy, climate and nutri-smart agriculture and sustainable NRM based livelihoods. Mission: Promote sustainable livelihood and food & nutrition security of rural community through developing and demonstrating models...

Horticulture Association of Bhutan

Non-governmental organization
Expand and stabilize farm operations to meet market demands. Explore value-added production. To encourage and recognize professional horticulturists for their contribution and dedication in developing the horticulture sector in the nation. Implement Sector Growth Strategies and Tactics through region-based horticulture education and training. Preservation and promotion of our pristine environment. To advise governmental and non-governmental...

Asociación Venezolana para la Agricultura Familiar

Farmers' organization
Primera organización que agrupa a los agricultores familiares en Venezuela para fortalecer capacidades, mejorar buenas prácticas agrícolas, promover circuitos cortos de comercialización y alternativas de financiamiento.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


Non-governmental organization
Agro-Perma-Lab (APLab) is a women-led training foundation based in Poland. It was formed in 2019 as a branch of the Polish Food Sovereignty Network (Nyeleni Polska) in response to a need to build leadership capacity within its organisations. The Foundation brings together practitioners, educators and garden designers, leaders of ecological...

Horticulture Association of Bhutan

Non-governmental organization
Expand and stabilize farm operations to meet market demands. Explore value-added production. To encourage and recognize professional horticulturists for their contribution and dedication in developing the horticulture sector in the nation. Implement Sector Growth Strategies and Tactics through region-based horticulture education and training. Preservation and promotion of our pristine environment. To advise governmental and non-governmental...

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Research, training, technology transfer in agriculture and rural development
Viet Nam

Panellinia Enosi Ektropheon Autochthonon Fylon Agrotikon Zoon

Farmers' organization
The Panellinia Enosi Ektropheon Autochthonon Fylon Agrotikon Zoon (PEEAFAZ) is an association established in 2012, based in Central Greece (Trikala) and is now counting 140 members. The Association’s objective is to protect and enhance all Greek indigenous livestock breeds. In particular, its aim is the combined study and investigation of...

Mollesnejta - Instituto de Agroforestería Andina

Research center
El instituto de investigación agroforestal MOLLESNEJTA, en el corazón de Bolivia, fue fundado por la Dra. Noemi Stadler Kaulich y es un proyecto faro a escala mundial. Demuestra métodos de cultivo sostenibles que pretenden inspirar a los agricultores y permitirles cultivar con éxito bajo condiciones muy difíciles como suelos secos...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Programa Cambio Rural

Cambio Rural es un programa de extensión rural y periurbana coordinado por la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación desde hace 30 años de manera ininterrumpida. A su vez, es co-ejecutado con el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) que cuenta con una vasta presencia territorial...

Baluarte Nacional Campesino

Civil society
La Organización Campesina Nacional amplia, transparente y pluralista, para construir desarrollo y paz.

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Research center
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL was founded in 1973 and is one of the world’s leading research and information centres for organic agriculture and employs 300 people in Switzerland. The close links between different fields of research and the rapid transfer of knowledge from research to advisory work...

Association Nourrir Sans Détruire

Non-governmental organization
Association Nourrir Sans Détruire en abrégé ANSD est une organisation nationale à but non lucratif qui a été créée en 2011 et dédiée à la lutte contre la pauvreté, la faim et l'injustice sociale à travers la promotion de l'agroécologie et d'autres moyens de subsistance non agricoles. Les activités menées sont:...
Burkina Faso
Total results:833