




实 践
Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas. The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe - Volume 2

This second volume of the country reports series enlarges the documentation, analysis, and development of agroecology in Europe, and provides examples of implementation in different countries. The 11 countries studied within this volume show somewhat similar results as found in with the first 13 countries mapped in volume 1. There...
Denmark - France - Hungary - Ireland - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Portugal - Republic of Moldova - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - Isara Agro School for Life

Spanish Operational Groups on animal health

Feuga (Galician Enterprise-University Foundation) recently organised an event to showcase Spanish Operational Groups working on animal health. For example, TIRAC and MICOALGA-FEED worked on the reduction of antibiotics through, respectively, the use of algae in rabbit feed to avoid digestion problems, and the use of fungi and microalgae supplements in...
European Union - Spain
2023 - EU CAP Network

The 2021 ongoing evaluation report of the Aragon Rural Development Programme

The 2021 ongoing evaluation report assesses the Aragon Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2022, aiming to advance the analysis of RDP effects for the ex-post evaluation, due in 2026. Key objectives of the evaluation included verifying data availability for socio-economic impact indicators, updating context indicators and reviewing recommendations from the previous evaluation,...
2023 - General Directorate of Rural Development of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development

Rural women Projects brochure

This Projects Brochure highlights examples of CAP-funded projects led by women and initiatives that are advancing gender equality in rural areas. In line with the European Commission’s 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) now includes a Specific Objective aimed at enhancing the position of women in farming and...
Czechia - Estonia - France - Romania - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden
2023 - EU CAP Network

La agricultura y la ganadería familiar, centro de nuestras actuaciones y núcleo de la nueva PAC

La agricultura familiar resulta fundamental para garantizar la sostenibilidad alimentaria, así como la cohesión social y territorial de las zonas rurales. Es un modelo agrario estratégico en el combate contra el despoblamiento, gracias precisamente a su implantación en el territorio, a su capacidad de generar empleo para jóvenes y mujeres...
2023 - UPA

Un agricultor ‘regenerativo’ aragonés que cuida los suelos

La agricultura siempre ha mirado más a las plantas que a sus raíces, más al verde que a los suelos. Pero la agricultura regenerativa se ha fijado precisamente en las tierras donde cultivamos, con el objetivo de mejorar la salud del suelo, aumentar la biodiversidad y mejorar la disponibilidad y...
2023 - Regeneration International

IX Congreso Internacional de Agroecología - Cultivando Sistemas Alimentarios Locales de Base Agroecológica

el Laboratorio de Historia de los Agroecosistemas (https://lha.es/es/) de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide y el think tank Alimentta (https://alimentta.com/) son los organizadores del IX Congreso Internacional de Agroecología, que tendrá lugar en Sevilla (estado español), en las instalaciones de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide entre el 19 y el...
2023 - University Pablo de Olavide

Las cortes regionales aprueban "La Ley de Agricultura Familiar", la cuadragésimo cuarta de la legislatura

El último Pleno de las Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha ha aprobado en su sesión de este jueves la ‘Ley de Agricultura familiar y acceso a la tierra’, además del Reglamento de la Cámara de Cuentas, con lo que la X Legislatura ha culminado con la aprobación de 46 leyes y...
2023 - Cortes de Castilla La Mancha

Biodiversity is key to produce watermelons without pesticides – an example from an organic farm

A sunny day in March is the one chosen for cutting off the Gatinho watermelons (mini striped) that Esther Molina has cultivated on her organic greenhouse farm in Los Grillos without the use of insecticides thanks to conservation biological control. Esther is one of the farmers of the Spanish greenhouse...

Family Farming in Spain 2023 Yearbook

Agriculture and livestock facing the challenge of climate change. Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable progress
In 1994, UPA began the adventure of publishing a Yearbook of Family Farming. The objective was simple, although ambitious: to collect in an annual work the main data, ideas and proposals of this production model, which in the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers we have defended since our origin. Now,...
2023 - Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of Spain - Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA)

Regenerative agriculture in Spain

Along with Greece, Italy and Portugal, Spain is the country in continental Europe that is faced with the largest percentage of desertification and the greatest water shortages.Next to climate change, intensive and conventional farming are the main causes of this catastrophic form of land degradation. According to the European Commission,...
2023 - Resilience Food Stories

Газетная статья
Farmers’ profiles and attitudes towards the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems in intensive agriculture

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems are presented as a feasible alternative to increase water resources for agricultural use. However, the installation of these systems in farmers’ holdings is very limited. It is necessary to know the opinions and attitudes of farmers towards these systems to develop specific measures that respond to...
2023 - Universidad de Almería, Spain

Social farming in Spain’s Canary Islands supports rural women and families

The ‘La Jaira de Ana’ farm was set up using LEADER funding to raise awareness (through participatory experiences and workshops) about the importance of the primary sector for the culture and society of the Canary Islands. In this context, in addition to goat farming they also organise dedicated key support...

Master's Degree in Agroecology: An Approach to Rural Sustainability

This master's degree is carried out in collaboration with the International University of Andalusia, the University of Cordoba, and the Pablo de Olavide University and aims to strengthen a critical and complex perspective and praxis on agri-food systems and forms of agroecological social transition through forms of collective social action and public policies. The application process...
2022 - Universidad International de Andalucia

Anuario de la Agricultura y Ganadería Familiar en España 2022

UPA edita, desde 1994, la mayor obra de referencia y análisis de la agricultura y ganadería familiar en España. Con la coordinación de la Fundación de Estudios Rurales, las voces de más prestigio del medio rural, español, europeo y mundial, se expresan en esta publicación, que recoge también innumerables datos...
2022 - Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos UPA

What are we going to eat tomorrow around the Mediterranean sea ?

A three-day international conference dedicated to agroecology kicked off in Belgrade on the 28th of March.
From March 28 to 30, an international working meeting dedicated to agroecology – ecological agriculture, which contributes to sustainability and climate resilience, is taking place in Belgrade for the first time. This gathering is part of the project “Mediterranean Caravan of Agroecology”. Representatives of associations from several countries are gathering...
Algeria - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - France - Gibraltar - Greece - Israel - Italy - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Palestine - Spain - Tunisia - Türkiye
2022 - URGENCI (France)

"We want to achieve harmony through economic, social and environmental balance. That means supporting carefully selected, excellent local products and promoting healthy habits through healthy eating.”

The Roca brothers – Joan, Josep and Jordi - Spain
  The Roca brothers – Joan, Josep and Jordi – are third generation restaurateurs in their family who had a dream to start a new venture of their own. Their restaurant, Celler de Can Roca has been a great success, earning three Michelin stars and was named best restaurant in the world in...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Comunidad de conocimiento agroecológico

Es un punto de encuentro, de consulta e intercambio, que favorece el debate y transferencia de saberes y prácticas. Se trata de compartir información, experiencias, herramientas, opiniones, recursos, … relacionados con la práctica de la agroecología. Tanto para iniciarse en una huerta de ocio o para el autoconsumo, como el acompañamiento...
2022 - Red Terrae

“La agricultura regenerativa es el futuro, hay que sanar el suelo”

Raúl Rituerto se vale del ganado para nutrir, abonar y recuperar la tierra de sus variados cultivos de Azazeta
Hasta hace treinta años, los agricultores cultivaban un poco de todo en sus campos. Sin embargo, las últimas décadas ha habido una tendencia hacia la especialización, que no es buena. Quien así se pronuncia es Orkatz Pagola, uno de los formadores de los cursos sobre agricultura regenerativa que imparte el organismo EIT Food. La agricultura regenerativa viene...
2021 - Regeneration International
Total results:164
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