




Cómo crecer con don Crecencio. Poscosecha

Historieta breve que busca introducir, principamente a los productores, en los temas comunes del campo y en prácticas sustentables. En esta edición, se refiere a los temas de poscocecha.
2014 - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)

Family Farming in Europe

Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of the EU Farmers' and Cooperatives organization Copa-Cogeca, explains what "family farming" means for farmers in the EU. In particular, Mr. Pesonen points out that in the EU agriculture family business and industry can hardly be separated.
European Union
2014 - Copa&Cogeca

Tecnologias para a agricultura familiar

A agricultura familiar necessita de tecnologias apropriadas para melhorar os processos produtivos, aumentar os níveis de produtividade e se tornar mais competitiva. Predominantemente, os agricultores ainda têm pouco acesso às técnicas necessárias à produção sustentável. No entanto, existem várias tecnologias disponíveis para adoção imediata e incorporação em diferentes arranjos produtivos. Várias...
2014 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Газетная статья
Point of no return? Rehabilitating degraded soils for increased crop productivity on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe

Soil degradation is a major threat to Southern Africa's agricultural production. Crops show generally weak responses to mineral fertilizers on degraded soils. A three-year study was conducted between 2009 and 2012 on smallholder farms in eastern Zimbabwe to explore entry points for rehabilitating degraded croplands using principles of integrated soil...

Supporting Farmer Co-operatives in Rwanda

WFP marks the International day of Co-operatives and commits to invest in capacity building of small-holder farmers through local purchases to achieve sustainable food security.

Biodiversity for food security and family farming

Farmers and other experts such as Vandana Shiva and Victor Toledo explain why and how biodiversity is important for food security and for family farming. 
2014 - ILEIA Foundation

Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar: retrospectiva y prospectiva

El objetivo de este documento es hacer una restrospectiva del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar en el contexto de la institucionalidad surgida para el sector en América Latina y el Caribe, revisando los logros alcanzados a partir del AIAF 2014.
2014 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA),

Handbook On Agroecology: Farmer's Manual on Sustainable Practices

"This booklet is aimed to educate and inform farmers about diverse possibility of sustainable and safe food production methods and its techniques. This handbook is designed as a practical guide to these different practices of agroecology and their specific principles, techniques and strategies.We hope that these practical techniques would help...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Conservation des Sols et Sécurité Alimentaire : une préoccupation commune pour les agricultures paysannes du Mali et du Maroc

  Le projet « Conservation des sols et sécurité alimentaire : une préoccupation commune pour les agricultures paysannes du Mali et du Maroc », appelé plus simplement « AC Maroc-Mali », a démarré en janvier 2010. La fin du projet était prévue initialement pour le 31/12/2012, cependant celle-ci a été reportée...
Mali - Morocco

"Una vita sinergica" ( A synergistic life)

Professional documentaries on young farmers, winners of the third edition of the national contest of Mipaaf / National Rural Network "New Success factors", which selects the best practices in rural development made by young farmers who have benefited from the EAFRD funds. The documentaries are made by young professionals selected...

Making Agroecology Viable for Small Farmers: Experiences from the Field

"The practices illustrated through these case studies are being extensively shared among farmers from across the country. These local practices are not just ways of thinking or alternatives; they are based on the specialized knowledge and practices of people and communities.They contain insights that when appropriately applied, can help farmers...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Where Have All the Small Farmers Gone? The Story of Agriculture and Indian Farmers

"This first booklet in the series – 'Where Have all the Small Farmers gone?' – traces the broad path that agriculture took in India, to see where and how the small farmers are placed in it. It notes the major milestones en route, and underlines the major ups and downs,...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Agricultura familiar y soberanía alimentaria. Diversidades territoriales de las políticas públicas en Misiones y Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Este trabajo presenta avances de una investigación grupal en la que se analizan políticas públicas que articulan agricultura familiar –AF– y seguridad y soberanía alimentaria –SSA– en Argentina a partir de la década de 2010. Desde esta temática se busca contribuir al conocimiento de la problemática del desarrollo y del...
2014 - CONICET

Capacity Development Support to Rural Women on the Socio-Economic and Gender Aspects of Sustainable Rural Development

This project, started in 2014 under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme, was developed to improve services for rural women by enhancing the capacity of institutions and of agricultural extension and rural advisory services staff in Turkey and Azerbaijan. The project’s ultimate objective was to promote rural women’s socio-economic integration and enhance...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Coopération agricole de production : quand l’activité agricole se distribue entre exploitation et ction collective de proximité

De nouvelles formes d’action collective de proximité émergent en France entre les agriculteurs. À partir de modalités plus ou moins anciennes (coopérative, association, groupement d’employeurs, etc.), se constituent des groupes d’agriculteurs qui élaborent leurs projets de manière collective, de façon inédite avec peu de références, et parfois sans accompagnement institutionnel....
2014 - EDP Sciences

Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)


Genre et agricultures familiales
Les Nations unies reconnaissent officiellement que parvenir à l'égalité hommes-femmes, en termes d'accès aux ressources de production et à leur contrôle (en particulier la terre et les services agricoles), aurait un effet positif sur la productivité agricole, la sécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté. Pourtant, quelle est la situation actuelle des...
2014 - CTA

Газетная статья
Asesoramiento técnico, extensión rural y planificación del uso del suelo a nivel predial

Las explotaciones agropecuarias familiares ante la aplicación de una nueva norma en URUGUAY
El gobierno uruguayo se ha propuesto exigir a los productores un Plan de Uso y Manejo Responsable del Suelo a nivel predial. Siguiendo lo dispuesto en la Ley Nº15.239, a través del Artículo nº 5 del Decreto Nº405/2008, se determina que los planes, avalados por un asesor técnico Ingeniero Agrónomo...
2014 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias-Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Spore Special Issue - August 2014

The beginning of a renaissance
Family farming offers solutions to global challenges. More than 500 million family farms dominate agriculture – ensuring food security, fighting poverty and hunger, providing employment, and enhancing sustainable resource management. Despite challenges, family farms can become prosperous businesses. Forming part of CTA’s support to the UN International Year of Family...
2014 - CTA
Total results:3131