





As announced in the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies and in the Zero Pollution Action Plan, the European Commission is developing an Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan¹ (INMAP) to tackle the currently unsustainable nutrient flows in the EU. The INMAP will aim to deliver on the European Green...

Composición funcional de té herbal de guayabo (Psidium guajava L.)

El estudio de la composición funcional del té herbal de guayabo busca mejorar el proceso y la calidad de esta reciente opción de agroindustria del cultivo. A través de esta opción se ofrece un producto que facilita la tradición de usar las hojas de guayaba en infusión o tisana para...
202| - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

'Access Agriculture' Panorama No. 54 - January 2025

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2025 - Access Agriculture

FAO ensures transparency and quality in measuring SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) Indicators

Statement of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The current era is marked by escalating conflicts, increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and disasters, and profound economic shocks that drive migration as people seek to escape harsh conditions. Against this backdrop, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reaffirms its unwavering commitment, enshrined in...
2025 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Illuminating the multidimensional contributions of small-scale fisheries

Sustainable development aspires to “leave no one behind”1. Even so, limited attention has been paid to small-scale fisheries (SSF) and their importance in eradicating poverty, hunger and malnutrition. Through a collaborative and multidimensional data-driven approach, we have estimated that SSF provide at least 40% (37.3 million tonnes) of global fisheries...
2025 - FAO

Making fish paste and sauce

When there's an oversupply of fish, their prices drop and they become difficult to sell, leading to potential spoilage and decreased income for fishermen and fishmongers. Spoiled fish poses a risk of foodborne diseases. To avoid this, you can make fish paste and sauce by fermenting fish with salt.
2025 - Access Agriculture

Innovative approach to fighting malaria

Malaria, sleeping sickness, dengue fever and other insect-borne diseases continue to present grave health risks to humans and their livestock. This Biovision project is employing a new approach: Animals act as a kind of “natural decoy” to attract insects, which are killed using a newly developed, environmentally friendly insect repellent....
2025 - Biovision

Cassava seed business changes women farmers’ lives in Tanzania

Tanzania is building sustainable cassava-seed systems for high-quality seed through cassava seed entrepreneurs. However, women are often shut out of such business opportunities due to their lack of land, capital, and social norms that limit their mobility and literacy.
United Republic of Tanzania
2025 - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

Salting and drying fish

Use any kind of small, fresh fish. In salting tubs, mix each layer of fish with a layer of salt. After 24 to 36 hours, take the fish out of the tub with a sieve to drain the water. Arrange the salted and washed fish in a single layer on...
2025 - Access Agriculture

The disappearing savannas: Is West Africa trading soil health for farmland?

West Africa’s ecosystems are transforming, reshaping its vast savannas into forest islands or arable lands. This change, mainly driven by human activity, has profound implications for soil health and ecosystem sustainability.
2025 - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

Газетная статья
Charting a science course for the sustainable transformation of aquatic food systems

Aquatic foods hold a unique potential to contribute to a much-needed transformation of food systems thanks to their high nutritional value, cultural significance, and relatively low environmental impact. However, realizing this potential requires a transformative approach to help overcome two grand challenges: sustainably increasing the production of nutritious aquatic foods...

Cotton production areas are at high risk of invasion by Amrasca biguttula (Ishida) (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera): potential distribution under climate change

The cotton jassid, Amrasca biguttula, a dangerous and polyphagous pest, has recently invaded the Middle East, Africa and South America, raising concerns about the future of cotton and other food crops including okra, eggplant and potato. However, its potential distribution remains largely unknown, posing a challenge in developing effective phytosanitary strategies....

Smart IoT device for in field Black Sigatoka Disease recognition and mapping

Recently banana plantations have been affected by the Black Sigatoka Disease (BSD), producing streaks, lesions and yellow and brown spots on the leaves until the appearance of entire dead parts. The disease causes reductions in yield making it essential to assess infection by monitoring plants status and implementing agronomical measures....

Global Trends in Conservation Agriculture and Climate Change Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

This study provides a bibliometric analysis of global scientific production on Conservation Agriculture (CA) and its relationship with climate change mitigation. Using data from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, the research encompassed 650 articles published between 1995 and 2022. The analysis revealed significant growth in the number of...

Italian Senate's Agriculture Committee Holds Parliamentary Hearing with FAO Representatives

On 4 February 2025, the Italian Senate's Agriculture Committee held a parliamentary hearing with representatives from FAO, part of an ongoing investigation by the Italian Government into the effects of climate change on agriculture and the measures needed to adapt to these changing realities.
2025 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boosting Africa’s food security: Unlocking the potential of cassava and underutilized legumes for a resilient future

The Food and Nutrition Science Laboratory (FNSL) unit of IITA–CGIAR commits to ensuring food and nutrition security on the continent by harnessing the potential of IITA mandate crops and underutilized legumes. This is coming at a critical time, as Africa’s wheat imports have been rising at an annual rate of 9%, with...
2025 - CGIAR

Bulletin de veille thématique n°493 : Fonds et financements climat en Afrique 1/2 : une injustice persistante

La COP29 qui s’est achevée fin novembre 2024 à Bakou a une fois de plus mis en lumière les inégalités criantes à travers le monde en termes de financement de l’adaptation au changement climatique et de l’atténuation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Les négociateurs africains sont arrivés...

Women's Empowerment and Climate Justice: Three fish preservation, handling and processing interventions improving livelihoods in Kenya’s Lake Victoria region

Lake Victoria – the second largest lake in the world – supports around 200,000 fishers in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, with more than 50 million people depending on it directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. But with fish being a highly perishable product, fishing communities have little time to either...
2025 - WorldFish

Bulletin de veille thématique n°493 : Fonds et financements climat en Afrique 2/2 : initiatives et alternatives locales

L’Afrique, qui n’est responsable que de 4% des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre, est une des zones les plus vulnérables aux effets du changement climatique. Cependant, le continent ne reçoit qu’une fraction des fonds climat, à peine 30 milliards $US en 2020 : c’est seulement 3 %...

Changement climatique et alimentation

Fortes pluies, canicules et sécheresses occasionnent des pertes de récolte. Pour faire face à ces phénomènes extrêmes, certains pays misent sur des techniques culturales innovantes et des plantes résilientes. Aux Pays-Bas, les pommes de terre se cultivent sur sol salé tandis qu’en Italie, les oliviers s’adaptent au changement climatique.
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