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The CCASIA Region - Regional Coordinator China

The Coordinating Committee for Asia was established at the 11th Meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission held in Rome, Italy, in July 1976. Its first meeting was held in New Delhi (India) in January 1977.

The regional coordinator operates from within the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment.

China’s main priorities as coordinator include enhancing participation in Codex meetings, supporting the prioritization of Codex work in the region, improving harmonization of food safety standards and accelerating the revitalization of the coordinating committee by sharing information and providing regular updates on food safety issues within the region.

China also wishes to promote collaboration with observer organizations and improve efficient and effective communication between regional members FAO, WHO, and the Codex Secretariat.


News from the region

Korea Food Safety Day embraces new technologies in regulatory science

Corinna Hawkes, the Codex Secretary ad interim and Director of the FAO Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety, delivered the opening speech at the Republic of Korea’s Food Safety Day, this week. This 23rd celebration of Korea Food Safety Day is celebrated under the slogan “Together for food safety, Healthy South Korea!” and is the largest commemorative event in Korea’s food safety calendar. The event themes this year are digital food safety management, regulatory science using new technology and ensuring [...]
13 May 2024

ACT/ Success story from Pakistan now published!

The first in a new series of “Success Stories” has been published to promote the work of the FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project. The story from Pakistan recounts the positive impacts of the awareness raising efforts about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) that have taken place at grassroots level, where livestock carers – who are mostly women – have learnt about the need for responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials in animals. Each story [...]
07 May 2024

ACT/ ToT workshop in Pakistan on Codex standards and foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

On 6 and 7 March, FAO in Pakistan, in collaboration with the Animal Husbandry Commissioner’s Office of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Livestock and Dairy Development Department of South Punjab and the Punjab Food Authority conducted a two-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on Codex Standards and Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the city of Multan in South Punjab. The workshop was part of a training programme taking place in the country under the FAO-implemented and Republic of [...]
19 March 2024

Codex@60 / A seminar and a coffee table book to celebrate India's journey in Codex

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has teamed up with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSAII), to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, with a seminar targeted towards students throughout India. The seminar focused on the role of Codex in protecting consumer health while facilitating fair practices in the food trade, and highlighted how enhanced collaborations across countries can contribute to a better food safety, providing effective risk communication, regulatory harmonization, and the ability to [...]
15 December 2023

Singapore celebrates Codex@60

The National Codex Office (NCO) under the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) planned several events to promote awareness on Codex in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Codex Workshop 2023NCO conducted the 1st physical Codex Workshop since the COVID-19 pandemic for SFA colleagues on 14 March 2023 . The workshop started with an introduction to CAC, which emphasized the importance of Codex to Singapore. SFA officers who had more experience attending Codex meetings shared their experiences, [...]
26 November 2023

CCASIA is promoting the use of Codex standards across the region

This year's edition of the CODEX magazine, titled "60 years of standards", is out now! Read some of our articles online and click on the link below to download the full publication. This article by Tian Jing (China), Regional Coordinator for CCASIAIn Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand this year, activities were organized to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Codex, in conjunction with the 5th World Food Safety Day, [...]
26 November 2023

CCASIA prepares for CAC46 and celebrates Codex’s 60th anniversary

The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA) held a “Codex colloquium” on 15 and 16 November 2023 in Xiamen, China. The colloquium was hosted and chaired by the Regional Coordinator, which operates from within the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA). Sixteen Member Countries from the CCASIA region attended the event. “I couldn’t be happier to meet our CCASIA family members in person, especially after the pandemic,” said Dr Tian Jing, Regional Coordinator for CCASIA. During the two-day [...]
23 November 2023

India Celebrates 60 years of Codex

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry jointly hosted an event in New Delhi on 27 October 2023 to celebrate the achievements of Codex over the last 60 years and the role it has played in the development of international standards. The event also provided an occasion to trace India’s own journey in Codex from early years to the current time as the host government for the Codex Committee [...]
12 November 2023

The 7th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum 2023 Celebrates the Codex 60th Anniversary

The 7th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum 2023 held on 8 and 9 November 2023 in Shenzhen, China, commemorated the 60th Anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). This high-level forum was hosted by the Shenzhen Food and Drug Safety Commission Office with full support provided by the Commission’s Director-General Cai Yingquan and the Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation. The event was organized by the Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology. In his opening address, Mr Chan Yaodong, Deputy Secretary-General, Shenzhen Municipal People’s [...]
10 November 2023

ACT in Pakistan / Training of trainers on Codex standards and foodborne antimicrobial resistance

FAO Pakistan, in collaboration with the Animal Husbandry Commissioner Office of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, conducted a three-day workshop on Codex standards and foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). More than 40 participants from federal and provincial livestock departments, food authorities and other relevant departmentsattended thistraining of trainerson 23-25 October 2023 in Islamabad. This was the first-ever workshop to raise awareness among field veterinarians and food authorities on Codex and AMR.    “Understanding Codex standardsis criticalfor well-being and achieving the Sustainable Development [...]
08 November 2023

Video Message

CCASIA Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCASIA Secretariat

No.37,Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
Tel: +86-10-52165402

E-mail: [email protected]