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Launch event / JECFA Toolbox for Veterinary Drug Residues Risk Assessment

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a comprehensive and practical toolbox designed to help those assessing the risks of veterinary drug residues in food. The JECFA Toolbox for Veterinary Drug Residues Risk Assessment describes the process used by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) when assessing the risks of veterinary drug residues in animal-derived food products consumed by humans.    Join us for the launch of the JECFA Toolbox on Thursday, 27 February [...]
05 February 2025

“Codex and a Honduran emergency” – New Codex video out now

With the growth in the international trade in food comes the need to be able to prevent, detect and manage foodborne diseases across borders. Foodborne diseases can occur even when there are robust food control systems in place and can cause illness across the globe. In these cases, the FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) facilitates the rapid exchange of the information needed between different national authorities to enable them to address cases of foodborne disease outbreak in a [...]
11 December 2024

Importance of GHP and HACCP for fisheries and aquaculture showcased at FAO virtual training event

The importance of aquatic foods in global nutrition and food security cannot be overstated. Valued for their nutritional benefits and their contribution to livelihoods, the production and per capita consumption of aquatic foods have seen significant growth over the past decades. This trend is expected to continue, highlighting the crucial role these foods play in global food and nutrition. However, with increased production and consumption come associated risks. Understanding the food safety hazards linked to aquatic foods is essential for [...]
01 November 2024
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World Food Day / "Food safety: a necessity to guarantee the basic human right to food"

On the occasion of World Food Day, and in conjunction with the World Food Forum, a youth-led movement and network to transform agrifood systems, we had a chat with Raffaella Tavelli, a Food Safety and Biotechnology expert, currently working as intern with FAO. Between her studies and her experience in research, Raffaella had the opportunity to delve into topics ranging from food microbiology and microplastics, to RNA-based insect pest controls, as well as genetic biofortification of crops to fight hidden hunger. As [...]
16 October 2024

The EU and U.S. commit to safe food by celebrating Codex Alimentarius

 By the Codex Contact Points of the European Union, France, Germany and the United States of America A high-level event titled “Celebrating Codex Alimentarius: A U.S.-EU Commitment to Safe Food” took place on 5th September at the French Embassy to the United States of America. The unprecedented gathering was jointly organized by the United States, the European Union, France, and Germany to provide a platform for the transatlantic partners to reflect on their collaboration and reaffirm their commitment to upholding international [...]
06 September 2024

Codex Podcast / Are we prepared for the future of food safety?

Is it possible to predict the future? This is a question that has always fascinated mankind, giving rise to myths, stories and legends about possible ways of doing it and its possible consequences. While today no one can predict the future, we can prepare for different possibilities by looking at early signs of change, using a foresight approach. And this is of the utmost importance in our increasingly complex agrifood systems. This edition of the Codex podcast highlights how, through its [...]
04 June 2024

International symposium recognizes central role of Codex in food safety and food control systems

The International Symposium on Food Safety and Control, which concluded yesterday, 31 May, in Vienna, Austria, provided a forum for information sharing on cutting edge research and developments in the application of nuclear technologies for food safety and control. The event also offered networking opportunities between the public and private sectors and the chance to define future research needs and directions. The symposium included seven sessions, which addressed several topics, from chemical residues and contaminants in food and feed, to One [...]
01 June 2024

WHO Director-General presents the report on WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety at the 77th World Health Assembly

The report on the implementation of the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety was presented at WHA77 showing the progress made all over the world in the first two years after the adoption of the strategy. Different activities are ongoing with support from WHO to strengthen national food safety systems improving accountability from national authorities and protecting consumers health. Here are some highlights. WHO, together with partners, has made progress in assessing food control systems and developing implementation and advocacy tools [...]
01 June 2024

How new Codex guidelines will help food business operators address hazards in water

Earlier this month, the 46th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed to adopt key new guidelines on the safe use and re-use of water in food production and processing. These guidelines provide a framework of general principles and examples for applying a risk-based approach to determine if the water to be sourced, used, and re-used by food business operators involved in food production and processing is fit for purpose from a microbiological safety perspective. “Access to potable water is not always [...]
14 December 2023

FAO releases a report on food safety implications of environmental inhibitors

FAO has published a report called Food safety implications from the use of environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems which offers an overview of substances that are used to reduce methane emissions from livestock and limit the loss of nitrogen from farmlands and pastures. The report focuses on their possible food safety-related concerns and gives examples of legal frameworks regulating these compounds at national and regional level. It also highlights regulatory needs and steps to move forward. This publication falls within the [...]
29 November 2023
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