Глобальная платформа фермерских полевых школ
Number of documents: 542



2020 - FAO - Arnaud, Rouillard
Ce guide a pour but de vous initier à l’utilisation et à la rédaction de fiches techniques sur les bonnes pratiques pastorales et agropastorales. L’objectif étant de vous fournir un outil de gestion des connaissances pleinement opérationnel dans lequel les informations sur les bonnes pratiques sont continuellement documentées et diffusées [...]
Production system: Livestock, Pastures /Fodder trees, Large Ruminants, Small Ruminants

Introduction to Farmer Field Schools: A reader for Institutions of Higher Learning

Training material

2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); International Institute of Rural Reconstruction -
This Reader has been developed to address the stakeholders’ needs as expressed during the Malindi workshop. The Reader is a compilation of materials on FS methodology sourced from existing FFS publications such as manuals, journal articles and books. It was developed through a writeshop process facilitated by IIRR from 21st [...]
Production system:

Farmers taking the lead, 30 years of farmer field schools

Technical background material

2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
This brochure captures the major developments of the farmer field school over 30 years, highlighting innovations in different regions and contexts. A vast number of additional stories and experiences exist, some of which can be accessed at the global FFS platform website. This document summarizes key messages on FFS and [...]
Production system:

Farmers taking the lead: 30 years of Farmer Field Schools

Audiovisual material

2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
The FFS has been one of the most successful approach developed and promoted by FAO over the last 30 years, empowering farmers to become better decision makers in their own farming systems. Initiated by FAO in 1989, and followed by many other organizations and institutions, the FFS programmes represent one [...]
Production system:

Food for Thought: Farmer Field Schools Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods

Audiovisual material

2019 - Pact Myanmar -
October marks World Food Day! To commemorate the occasion the Advancing Community Empowerment (ACE) project funded by USAID is showcasing how we are promoting sustainable livelihoods through Farmer Field Schools in Southeastern Myanmar. Pact is currently conducting training for farmers to learn about the Farmer Field School (FFS) model, which [...]
Production system: Crops

Female Farmers in Dominica Attend Farmer Field Schools

Audiovisual material

2019 - UNDP Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean -
In the Morne Prosper community, Dominica, women farmers benefited from knowledge shared during Farmer Field Schools instituted by the Ministry of Agriculture
Production system: Crops

Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding. Module: Diagnostic stage

Training material

2018 - Oxfam -
The breeding objectives and activities of a Farmer Field School (FFS) season are based on the ‘diagnostic stage’, in which farmers perform a collective diagnosis of their situation and the problems and challenges they encounter in growing their crops and varieties. The diagnostic stage is crucial to ensure that the [...]
Production system:

Évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agricole pour la sécurité alimentaire en milieu rural au Mali»

Information on projects

2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -
Le changement climatique est une réalité au Mali, où la population et l’économie sont majoritairement dépendantes de l’agriculture, de l’élevage et de la pêche. Dans le cadre du changement climatique, le Mali sera confronté à une nette augmentation de la température moyenne de 2 o C en 2050 et 4 [...]
Production system:

The real seed producers. Small-scale farmers save, use, share and enhance the seed diversity of the crops that feed Africa

Technical background material

2018 - AFSA, Grain -
This report unpacks and explores farmer-managed seed systems and their contribution to food and seed sovereignty, including the benefits they provide to farming communities as a part of their sociocultural, economic, spiritual and ecological livelihoods. The report highlights, exposes and explores how these systems work. It builds on reports of [...]
Production system: