Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

A Global Network on Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs


The FMM sub-programme aims to establish a Global Network Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs in countries to mainstream digital agriculture innovation while promoting the digital transformation of agri-food systems.

In each country, the respective Digital Agriculture Innovation Hub will be designed considering the national strategic priorities, digital maturity in the country, and local needs. Then various national Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs will be interconnected to share knowledge, experience, and expertise.

The goal of the network is to interconnect national hubs by providing support and enhancing the capacities of farmers and value chain actors, with a focus on youth and women.

The objectives of the sub-programme is to

  1. Create national digital agriculture innovation hub models to spearhead digital innovation programs in agriculture that meet local needs;   
  1. Develop digital agriculture solutions at the national or regional level to support the agri-food systems transformation; 
  1. Facilitate the creation of sustainable business models to support innovation projects through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) that allow for leveraging resources and maximizing impacts through multi-stakeholders engagements;  
  1. Support the capacity development of government institutions to formulate digital agriculture strategies, policies, or programmes to mainstream digital innovation in agri-food systems and establish sustainable national digital agriculture innovation hubs;  
  1. Facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing within the national Hub and across the global network through organizing joint events and platforms.  

The Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs will synergize and complement FAO's current efforts in the countries, such as the Hand-in-Hand and the 1000 Digital Villages initiatives.

Status of the sub-programme

The sub-programme has implementations currently ongoing in the following four countries Dominica, Ethiopia, Grenada and Morocco.

Major results

The sub-programme will accelerate the digital transformation of agri-food systems increasing productivity, managing and mitigating climate risks, and diversifying rural economies in a sustainable economic, social, and environmental manner.

Producers and value chain actors will become more competitive by adopting innovative digital agriculture approaches and technologies t o enhance productivity and market access. In addition, government institutions will be supported to formulate or update digital agriculture strategies, policies, and programmes.


The sub-programme is currently in its inception phase. The sub-programme Task Force and relevant partners in the participating countries are in the process of further specifying the work plans for each country and refining the beneficiary targets (disaggregated by gender and age).

The sub-programme  is coordinated by the Office of Innovation and supported by a Task Force comprised of (i) technical officers in subregional or FAO Representation Offices; (ii) technical officers from the FAO Headquarters' units with a mandate in the issues addressed by the sub-programme; (iii) representatives from the PPA BP5 on Digital Agriculture; and (iv) a gender focal point.

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