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[VIDEO] - Imagine a future where new generations and ecosystems thrive fileadmin/user_upload/food_systems/images/large_webinar cfws50.PNG CFS 50 Side Event 26
Rcording from the event. Food systems are under transformation in many countries to alleviate the impact of conflicts and diseases, including COVID-19. While many governments committed to address the exacerbated crises of climate, biodiversity loss and pollution, policy efforts are underway to make food systems more efficient, resilient and inclusive. The UN Food Systems Summit 2021 resulted in National Pathways and urged countries and their stakeholders to adopt a context-specific food system approach in their policies and action. The GEF-7 Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR) envisions a world where producing food creates sustainable environmental benefits...
Podcast - Towards Sustainable Food Systems - E4: Rwanda's journey towards sustainable food systems
In this episode of the podcast mini series 'Towards Sustainable Food Systems' we are joined by guests Seraphin Niyonsenga, Senior Scientist, AKADEMIYA 2063; and Mignone Karugu, CEO, Africa Business Group...
Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus to increase food systems' resilience to climate change and conflict's cascading effects in the Mediterranean region
This publication reflects the outcome of the SFS-MED Platform Webinar, held on 6 July 2022. In this occasion, stakeholders from across the Mediterranean shared case studies and tangible examples of WEFE Nexus technical solutions applied in the Mediterranean region, reflecting on success factors, challenges and ways to replicate solutions across the Mediterranean...
Podcast - Towards Sustainable Food Systems - E3: Ireland's journey towards sustainable food systems
In episode three we are joined by guests Tom Arnold, Chair of the Irish Agri-Food Strategy to 2030; and Paul Finnerty, Chairman and Partner at The Yield Lab Europe, to dissect Ireland's journey towards sustainable food systems..  
Podcast - Towards Sustainable Food Systems - E2: Costa Rica's journey towards sustainable food systems
In this episode we are joined by Andrea Padilla, Assistant Representative at FAO’s office in Costa Rica; and Roberto Azofeifa, Director of the Sustainable Production Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica. Tune in and learn about Costa Rica’s efforts to promote sustainability across its agrifood sector...
Podcast: Towards Sustainable Food Systems - E1: In conversation with Herman Brouwer, Advisor at WCDI
In this introductory episode of the podcast mini-series ‘Towards Sustainable Food Systems’, we are joined by Herman Brouwer, Senior Advisor on multi-stakeholder collaboration at the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI)...
Food waste management and circular economy in Mediterranean cities
Outcomes of the Webinar on Food waste management and circular economy in Mediterranean cities, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 25 May 2022...
Critical, emerging and enduring issues for food security and nutrition
A note by the high-level panel of experts on food security and nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)...
粮食损失和浪费对我们这个时代许多最紧迫的挑战都有影响。从粮食生产到消费的各个环节都存在严重的粮食损失和浪费。与此同时,全球有数亿人食物不足,数十亿人无法负担健康膳食。粮食损失和浪费加剧气候变化,对世界自然资源、生态系统和生物多样性带来巨大压力,危及我们和子孙后代确保粮食安全、营养和生计的能力,使我们无法跨越自然环境可持续发展的关键门槛。 《减少粮食损失和浪费自愿行为守则》系应粮农组织农业委员会(农委)2018年的要求制定,并于2021年6月由粮农组织大会第四十二届会议批准。该守则提出了应遵守的总体行动框架和指导原则,以减少粮食损失和浪费,同时促进粮食体系更加高效、包容、有韧性和可持续。各国政府可以该框架为基础,制定战略、政策和立法。该框架还可用以制定减少粮食损失和浪费的计划,以及编写供从业人员使用的技术准则
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