Dear Sir/Madam,
Share recent literature, case studies and data that could help answer the following questions:
1. What are the main bottlenecks hampering the contribution of urban and peri-urban food systems to food security and nutrition?
My answer here is India specific and may apply to South Asians in general, even those settled in industrialized countries.
Bottleneck: Religio-cultural beliefs lowering meat consumption leading to low blood vitamin B12 levels
1. Prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to paralysis from sub acute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (SACD). This disease is generally observed in people in their 70s and 80s.
2. However, due to increasing popularity of plant based diets, either due to religious reasons or concerns for animal well-being, SACD and other B12 deficiency induced neurological injuries are now emerging in children and young adults.
3. This is now an issue because increasing hygiene in developing countries eliminates microbial contamination as a source of vitamin B12.
Solution: Introduce vitamin B12 warnings on vegan, vegetarian and plant based content on social media.
1. Social media content about plant based diets can have a vitamin B-12 information link to FAO Chp 5 Vitamin B12 page
Readers will be subtely nudged to read more on vitamin B12 without hurting their religious sentiments.
2. Aggressively raise awareness about the availability of vitamin B12 from animal sourced foods only via existing UN social media channels. Vitamin B12 is ideally got from red meat.
3. It is not industrially possible to manufacture vitamin B-12 tablets for huge portions of the population. So people in India and South Asians everywhere need to be educated about the importance of consuming livestock and fisheries derived foods.
4. Peri-urban food systems will have to encourage raising of small ruminants to meet increased demand for red meat. More sales can take place through increased demand for small ruminant meat and fishes.
I remain available for further answers and discussion.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Natalia Hule
السيدة Natalia Kotian