全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)




        全世界仍有1.52亿男童和女童身陷童工劳动,其中有71%、即1.08亿人从事农业领域劳动[1]。当前新冠病毒疫情对农业-粮食体系的影响加剧了农村贫困,导致儿童贫困、辍学和粮食不安全情况增加[2] [3]。为填补劳动力缺口及粮食和农业生产收入的损失,儿童正越来越多地被牵涉到劳动活动当中[4]。这一状况很可能将造成在消除农村贫困(可持续发展目标1)、实现零饥饿(可持续发展目标2)和消除童工现象(可持续发展目标8.7)方面的进展逆转和努力遇阻。


        2020年,粮农组织发布了 《粮农组织消除农业领域童工现象框架》 [6],支持和推行各农业利益相关者[7]消除农业领域童工现象的举措。此外,粮农组织在全球粮食安全与营养论坛启动了一次在线磋商,题为 :“ 农业政策和战略能够以何种方式帮助消除农业领域童工现象?[8]。来自41个国家的业内人士提交了90条意见和建议,点评了农业领域童工现象的各种问题,并分享了来自各农业利益相关者的经验教训和良好实践。此次磋商展现了采取多领域方法消除农业领域童工现象的重要意义,包括通过学校供膳计划、适当资源管理、妇女赋权、现金转移和数字化等等。本《行动号召》以这些意见建议和粮农组织《框架》为基础,是粮农组织为“国际年”做出贡献的又一步骤。




        请使用提交表格提出你的意见建议。你可以在填写完成表格后进行上传或发送至[email protected]



Bernd Seiffert



[1] 劳工组织,2017。全球童工问题估算。可用文本 英文法文西文

[2] 联合国,2020。政策简报:新冠病毒疫情对儿童的影响。可用文本英文

[3] 世界银行,2021。粮食安全与新冠病毒疫情。可用文本 英文

[4] 劳工组织和儿基会。新冠病毒疫情与童工问题:危机之时,时不我待。可用文本英文法文西文

[5] 消除童工现象国际年在线启动活动2021。由国际劳工组织(劳工组织)举办。

[6] 粮农组织消除农业领域童工现象框架(2020),可用文本中文英文法文俄文西文

[7] 农业利益相关者:农业归口部委、科研院所、业主和生产者组织、农民组织、私营部门、青年组织、开发银行等。

[8] 粮食安全与营养论坛磋商会概要,可用文本阿文中文英文法文俄文西文

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope that this email finds you in good health. On behalf of Centre for Youth Empowerment and Civic Education (CYECE), I would like to submit our contribution towards Call for action: ending child labour in agriculture with the help of agricultural stakeholders.

CYECE is an NGO based in Malawi working towards child promotion, Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Youth Empowerment and Participation. Please find the attached form for your attention.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Lucky Crown Mbewe 

Francis Folley

Youth Coalition for the Consolidation of Democracy

Dear Team,

I write to submit my application as in the Call for Action: ending child labour in agriculture with the help of agricultural stakeholders through my organization -Youth Coalition for the Consolidation of Democracy -Malawi. Please find attached.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

In solidarity and partnership 

Francis Folley

Hello FSN Forum Team,

CARE is pleased to respond to the call for action on ending child labor in agriculture with the help of agricultural stakeholders. Our submission, Harnessing the Power of a Multi-sectoral Approach and Public-Private Partnership to Address the Root Causes of Child Labor in Cocoa Communities, is attached herewith. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments.

Thank you and kind regards,


Dear Mr. Bernd Seiffert

As per the official reports Child labour situation in Sri Lanka are as follows;

"Some 40,000 children are working as child labourers, which is about 1% of the school-going child population. In other words, one out of a hundred children in Sri Lanka are in child labour, mostly hazardous forms. 

Child labour and non-attendance in regular schooling is relatively high in Sri Lanka’s rapidly urbanising city centres than in rural areas. There is an established pattern of child labour –predominantly in the teenage category, engaged in the informal services sector. Their numbers are highest in the districts of Kurunegala, Gampaha, Colombo, Monaragala, and Batticaloa, with many other urbanised localities not far behind. 

A large proportion of soon to be young adults are engaged in child labour within the broader ecosystem of the informal services sector: such as in tourism, transport, petty trading, and caregiving. A majority of these children are boys. A large number also work in boutiques, tea kiosks, eateries, and other informal trades, in low-wage and precarious employment"

However, in my opinion, to eliminate child labour in agriculture  a country should have a holistic approach; Some of the sectors to be considered are as follows;

1. Poverty reduction should be given first priority

2. In some agricultural families parents do not prefer children's to have higher education as eventually they will move away from farms and no one to look after farmlands; In that case flexible school educations for agricultural families, agricultural colleges and universities would be a better option, until countries will develop to adopt equalize systems and until eradicating the poverty.

3. Farmers insurance & crop insurance  should be popularized as interruptions to child education and children moving to farmland instead of having an education at school are some impacts of hazardous situations such as droughts, floods

3. Current education system should be more equipped with agricultural knowledge. However, it should be rather giving specific agricultural knowledge, such as techniques, language to all children, while giving them overall knowledge there should be a system to give specific agricultural knowledge to those who are from agricultural areas, those who are interested to learn. This should not be considered as marginalizing or discriminating as it is to give priority to agriculture as a subject and give equlize importance to specialize such knowledge.

4. There should be parallel awareness campaigns to educate people that any career is not higher or lower than another. Not only doctors, lawyers but farmers are highly important to the development of the country. At least the education system should be catered to make such changes in the idiology, while governments taking actions to improve the standard of living of farmers.  

Sajeevani Weerasekara, Sri Lanka

Emre Yılmaztürk


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the ILO Office for Turkey, I would like to share with you our “Call for action for ending child labour in seasonal agriculture with the help of agricultural stakeholders”.

Below you can also see web-links to the ongoing projects of ILO Turkey.


We wish our call would contribute to the FAO regional consultations for the International Year.

Looking forward to receiving more information on the FAO high-level Global Event on Ending Child Labour in Agriculture and developing new collaboration opportunities in the near future.

With best regards,

Emre Yılmaztürk

Senior Project Coordinator

ILO Office for Turkey