Online Expert Consultation on “Global Forest Resources Assessment: Towards FRA2025”
The Global Forest Resources Assessment programme (FRA) of FAO is a continuously improving process; each assessment is an upgrade of the former one as the information needs change, new and better data become available and new methods and technologies can be applied. FRA has received technical guidance and support from international specialists through expert consultations organized by FAO, with the support of the Government of Finland, at regular intervals over the last three decades. This online expert consultation is of paramount importance for providing relevant input and guidance for the next FRA2025.
Consultation: Proposed Principles for Ecosystem Restoration
In the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the FAO-led Task Force on Best Practices partnered with the IUCN´s Commission on Ecosystem Management and the Society for Ecological Restoration to jointly develop nine principles for ecosystem restoration.
You are invited to share your feedback on the proposed principles by taking the global survey that has been developed for this purpose. The survey will remain open until 19 July 2021.
The final principles and descriptions will be released in early September and will be presented at the IUCN World Conservation Congress and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties meeting.
Follow this link to complete the survey: https://www.decadeonrestoration.org/global-consultation-restoration-principles
SURVEY - Taking Stock of Global Capacity for Ecosystems Restoration
To prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2021-2030 as the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. When the strategy guiding this UN Decade was launched in September 2020, it was accompanied by a general survey, designed to assess what individuals already knew about restoration – and how they would like to be involved in the movement.
However, to accomplish the world’s ambitious restoration goals by 2030, individual and voluntary action is not enough. There is a need to strategically strengthen capacities of those stakeholders already involved in restoration. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration has launched a new online survey “Taking Stock of Global Capacity for Ecosystems Restoration” to identify what and whose capacities need to be enhanced to achieve the goals of the Decade.
The survey was jointly developed by a coalition of 38 organizations, under FAO’s leadership, and aims to: 1) provide a baseline of existing capacities; 2) help identify strengths, gaps, needs and barriers to achieving global restoration goals, and 3) guide the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’s system-wide capacity development efforts, to the benefit of all involved.
You are encouraged to take this survey regardless of whether you have or have not participated in the previous general survey. This survey is aimed at everyone involved in ecosystem restoration.
The survey is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian, and will take about 15 minutes to complete.
The survey will remain open until 15 April 2021 and can be accessed here.
Состояние лесов мира 2020
В связи с приближающимся окончанием Десятилетия биоразнообразия Организации Объединенных Наций (2011–2020) и подготовкой к принятию странами Глобальной рамочной программы в области биоразнообразия на период после 2020 года, настоящий выпуск доклада "Состояние лесов мира" (СОФО) посвящен рассмотрению...
Survey on Effective Environmentalism

As part of an international research collaboration on environmental cause prioritization, the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) of the Leiden University is conducting a short, anonymous survey among experts in either biodiversity & ecosystems or agriculture & food security. The survey aims to rank different environmental challenges based on their importance for either of these two fields.
Please follow this link to take part: http://bit.ly/2G9GFaQ
It takes about 11 minutes to complete, and consists of 3 sections: 1) general information (this page), 2) the main questionnaire, and 3) a captcha. The progress bar is shown on top.
A summary of the survey results will be published at a later date.
For any questions or feedback, please contact Laura Scherer ([email protected]).
Thank you for your valuable contribution to our research!
The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture report, prepared under the guidance of its Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, is the first one to analyze the state of plants, animals and micro-organisms that support food and agricultural production – at genetic...
Agua para la vida : aportes a la construcción de mejores prácticas en el manejo sustentable del agua y la biodiversidad
A partir del análisis de diversas experiencias locales en el manejo de agua y biodiversidad, este manual busca mostrar una propuesta integral para ampliar las capacidades de quienes se relacionan con la gestión de los recursos hídricos, en los distintos niveles.

Livestock and agroecology
This brief reviews opportunities and challenges related to livestock’s potential to contribute to agroecological transition, focusing on four main themes, which rely on different elements of agroecology: supporting better livelihoods and creating added value; conserving and using diversity...
Sustainable agriculture for biodiversity: Biodiversity for sustainable agriculture
This booklet presents FAO’s work on mainstreaming biodiversity as a crosscutting theme in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors. It provides examples of on-the-ground activities and highlights relevant international mechanisms.

Учет проблематики биоразнообразия в сельском, рыбном и лесном хозяйствах в целях улучшения ситуации с продовольственной безопасностью и питанием
Биоразнообразие и экосистемные услуги имеют важное значение для поддержки сельского хозяйства различными способами и на всех уровнях. Эти взаимосвязи все чаще рассматриваются как ключевой фактор для обеспечения средств к существованию, благосостояния, производства и развития.
Данная онлайн-дискуссия будет способствовать дальнейшему определению целей и партнерских отношений в рамках Платформы по учету проблематики биоразнообразия, а также развитию ее рабочей программы.