全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



近几十年来世界范围内国际劳动力移徙的情况大幅度增加。单是在2013-2019年期间,这种移徙就出现了12.7%的增长,移民工人的数量从1.50亿人增至1.69亿人。1 通过这一现象的核心本质可以看到它带来的各种重要好处,包括移民向原籍社区邮寄的大量汇款以及移民在国外期间学到并带回或传播的各种知识和技能。在新冠肺炎疫情的背景下,随着世界经济复苏及人们跨境迁移的恢复,预计将有大量汇款流入农村地区。值得重视的是,这一数量巨大的资源可以通过引导开展对涉农企业的投资,帮助推动可持续和高质量粮食生产及增加就业,并由此提高农村地区的收入和营养水平。

然而在实际当中,移民和汇款接收人往往并不具备在农业领域利用汇款开展生产性投资所需的必要融资手段及技术和经营开发能力。一些国家已经开始着手解决这一问题;在这一背景下实施的各种举措当中有一个例子即配套赠款计划。2  配套赠款是一种面向项目受益人的一次性无偿资金转移,按该受益人(移民)用于生产性投资的汇款金额的一定比例核定支付金额。此外,配套赠款计划还向受益人提供培训,提高他们设立和经营涉农企业所需的技术和经营技能。有证据显示配套赠款计划对中小型企业在营收、利润和生产率以及创造就业的能力等方面产生了积极影响。3

粮农组织凭借其农业粮食经济学司一直致力于支持成员国制定以证据为基础的政策和计划,扶持移民和返乡者及其家庭开展涉农企业开发投资。例如,为进一步掌握在利用配套赠款计划实现这一目标方面的情况而在塔吉克斯坦实施了一个试点项目。 4 组织本次磋商会的目的是向广大利益相关者征集有关配套赠款计划通过促进农业领域投资的方式以可持续方式改善农村生计和营养水平方面的意见和建议,从而帮助细化和改进有关计划和政策的设计。磋商会的目的还包括收集已经实施的配套赠款计划的信息。所有收到的反馈意见将用于制定以证据为基础的建议,供有意采用配套赠款计划方法的国家参考。我们谨请各位参加者针对下列讨论问题提出意见和建议:

  1. 你是否相信政府应当着力在劳动力外流程度高的农村地区促进移民和返乡者开展涉农企业投资?其他利益相关者在促进这种投资方面应当发挥何种作用(非政府组织、学术界、国际组织、捐助方等)?
  2. 在你看来,配套赠款计划的优缺点有哪些?推行和采用这种计划时应当考虑哪些因素?
  3. 在促进利用汇款开展农业和涉农企业投资方面你还建议采用哪些其他模式或方法?你认为他们优于配套赠款计划吗?如果是请给出理由。
  4. 你是否了解配套赠款计划(有关涵盖标准请参见下文)已经实际实施用于引导汇款开展涉农企业投资的情况?如果是,请提供所实施计划的名称和所在国家以及补充信息的来源,例如研究报告、中期或影响评价、有关网站链接等等。


  • 必须是一项配套赠款计划且受益人的出资必须是以现金方式。欢迎各位交流各参与方对投资的出资比例的例子(即受益人和捐助方,如1:1、2:1等等)。
  • 目标群体必须是移民、返乡者或移民的直系亲属。
  • 配套赠款计划的目标是促进农业开发项目(主要侧重点应放在农业、渔业或林业)。






Mauricio Rosales

[1] 劳工组织。2021。劳工组织《全球国际移民工人估算——结果与方法》。第三版。瑞士日内瓦。 www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_808935.pdf

[2] 有关实例包括粮农组织在塔吉克斯坦共和国的“通过配套赠款促进包容性经济增长”试点项目(www.fao.org/in-action/fsn-caucasus-asia/areas-of-work/migration/en/)及摩尔多瓦共和国的“吸引汇款发展经济计划(PARE 1+1)(www.odimm.md/en/the-programme-for-attracting-remittances-into-economy

[3] Kersten, R., Harms, J., Liket, K. 和Maas, K. 2017。 小公司,大影响? 对中小企业金融文献的系统评述。《世界发展》,97: 330–348。

Piza, C., Cravo, T.A., Taylor, L., Gonzalez, L., Musse, I., Furtado, I., Sierra, A.C. 和Abdelnour, A. 2016。经营支持服务对中低收入国家中小企业经营业绩的影响:系统性评述。Campbell Systematic Reviews,12(1): 167 [在线]。2021年12月21日引用。 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.4073/csr.2016.1

[4] 参阅 www.fao.org/in-action/fsn-caucasus-asia/areas-of-work/migration/en/

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Q1. Partly yes and partly No. When I say partly yes, it would be good if the government commits to promote the involvement of migrants or returnees in the investment of agri-business where there is strong base of functionality developed agricultural value chains. My argument for partly No is I believe to make investment in any business or agribusiness worthwhile, it needs to invest more on the potential investors’ mindset/entrepreneurial skills. But from my crude observation in Ethiopia indicates that more migrants or returnees prefer to invest on services sector which is usually assumed agri-business return on investment is too long.

Q2. In my observation, matching grant program has both strong and weak points. The strong point is mainly attached to that it enables to access finance, skill and experience sharing/knowledge transfer. Whereas the weak point is that it has bureaucratic and/or long procedures, delay of release of apportioned budget for its purpose.

Q3. Agricultural machinery/tools matching grant. This has a great motivation to attract migrants or returnees for such investment.

Q4. I recalled there was World Bank funded matching grant program in Ethiopia 10 years ago to support export oriented business companies particularly involved in textile sub-sector.



Shirega Minuye

Luke Metelerkamp

South Africa

Hello Mauricio 

I saw your dispatch on the PAEPARD mailing list and thought I'd reach out. I'm not directly working on a system for channeling remittances, but we are in the process of piloting what we hope to be a scalable system for blending streams of finance into small-holder agriculture - this could easily include remittances too. The idea being to create a transparent platform of agricultural service providers which farmers have credit to procure from. At the moment we are focussing on extension support, business mentorship and soil/sap analysis services across 5 pilot sites in South Africa. But in time this could be expanded to include a range of other services. 

The money in farmers accounts is ring-fenced and can only be spent on registered service providers. Each transaction is full traceable. And farmers' accounts can be topped up by a range of different actors - including international family members. 

Let me know if you'd be interested in chatting. 

All the best, 


Dr Luke Metelerkamp

Post Doctoral Researcher, Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University 

Research Associate, Centre For Sustainability Transitions, Stellenbosch University