75年来,粮农组织的名字、志向和精神不曾改变,而其他一切都已改变,并将进一步改变。 1945年,联合国粮食及农业组织在战后重建的理想主义中建立了,它在建立之时力求增加世界各地的农业产量,使饥荒成为历史。在随后的75年里,粮农组织的观念和工作内容中加入了新的维度,即环境和可持续性。到2020年,要获得持续的成功,我们需要做出战略调整。 2019冠状病毒病疫情加剧了与冲突和气候变化有关的脆弱性,粮农组织期待通过进一步加深研究伙伴关系、数字化和全面创新,帮助消除饥饿和营养不良。距实现可持续发展目标还有十年的时间,我们正在征途上努力前行,寻找勇敢的答案和振奋人心的解决方案。
Agricultural extension in transition worldwide - Policies and strategies for reform
This publication contains twelve modules which cover a selection of major reform measures in agricultural extension being promulgated and implemented internationally, such as linking farmers to markets, making advisory services more demand-driven, promoting pluralistic advisory systems, and...
《2020年农产品市场状况》旨在讨论全球和国内农业和食品市场促进经济、社会和环境可持续发展的政策和机制。报告围绕全球贸易和发展讨论的核心趋势和挑战展开分析。主题涵盖贸易和市场的演变、粮食和农业全球价值链的形成、发展中国家小农参与价值链和市场的程度、数字技术对市场的变革性影响。 《2020年农产品市场状况》围绕上述主题讨论了能够促进包容性经济增长并利用市场助力实现《2030年议程》及其可持续发展目标的政策和制度。
Innovative Pastoralism
‘“Business as usual” is no longer an option for a food-secure future. Pastoralism can be an innovative system: a time-tested, undervalued alternative to high-input and resource-intensive farming, and a valuable lesson for the much needed evolution towards ‘farming with nature’, with largely-untapped...
Realizing the potential of digitalization to improve the agri-food system: Proposing a new International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture. A concept note
The global agri-food system continues to face considerable challenges in being able to provide enough food of adequate quality to feed an ever-growing, aging, and migrating population. The world is also changing at a fast pace with the emergence of an array of technologies. Digital technologies...
粮食及农业状况 2019 - 推进工作,减少 粮食损失和浪费
Disaster risk reduction at farm level: Multiple benefits, no regrets
This report presents the findings of a multi-year FAO study undertaken on over 900 farms in ten different countries that measured, using field data, benefits gained through the use of innovative farming practices designed to boost the resilience of farmers in the face of natural disasters and other...
The role of Agricultural Innovation Systems in Central Asia and Caucasus countries and China towards more sustainable food security and nutrition
本次在线论坛旨在向社会各界提供经验交流和知识共享平台,推动并加强中亚、高加索地区 及中国农业创新及推广体系建设(AIS)。 农业劳动者(尤其女性)、政府公共服务部门、私营部门、政策制定者与学术界之间缺乏有 效交流与沟通这一现象是制约中亚、高加索区域和中国进行农业创新及推广体系建设面临的共同 问题。农业劳动者难以获得日新月异的科技信息以及变化莫测的市场信息,从而无法从科技创新 和技术进步中获益并提高生计。
Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas
This report aims to identify the different scenarios where the process of digital transformation is taking place in agriculture. This identifies those aspects of basic conditions, such as those of infrastructure and networks, affordability, education and institutional support. In addition, enablers...