Our Office

Since the establishment of the FAO Representation in the Republic of the Gambia in 1978, the main function of the office has been to assist the Government to develop policies, programmes and projects in order to reduce hunger and malnutrition, help develop the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors and to use their environmental and natural resource in a sustainable way. These functions are achieved through advocacy and awareness creation, disaster prevention and management initiatives and implementation of field programmes and projects in collaboration with government and other partners such as donors, NGOs, civil society organizations, and research institutions.
FAO’s role in the Gambia also covers key thematic areas within the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) a framework through which all UN Agencies collaborate with the Government and other development partners. The country office maintains a dynamic presence and collaboration in the Gambia and enjoys a cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the Government. In effect, the Representation reports to three-line Ministries namely: the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Security, Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources as well as the Ministry of Forestry, Wildlife and the Environment.
The Representation also enjoys an excellent working relationship with the other UN Agencies and donors, public and private sector organisations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), key international development partners, civil society organisations and local communities to enhance agricultural production and strive to ensure food security.
In line with its global mandate and the food security needs of the Gambia, FAO implements different projects, supporting and providing funding and technical assistance to food security programmes, capacity-strengthening interventions as well as emergency assistance.