يمكن الاطلاع هنا على المشاريع الجارية المتعلقة بالرصد الزراعي وتقييم الغطاء الأرضي والتي أعدّتها المنظمة باستخدام المنهجيات والأدوات الجغرافية المكانية.
01 November 2022

The Koshi River Basin (KRB) in Nepal is a critical region for people whose livelihoods depend on agriculture. The lowlands of the basin, known as the Terai region, are highly productive and play a vital role in rice, wheat, maize,...
10 October 2022

The Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) convened the Second United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress (UNWGIC) in Hyderabad, India from 10-14 October 2022. Organized by the Government of India through its Ministry of Science and Technology,...

India is the world’s highest producer of rain-fed agricultural products and the world’s second-highest producer of farm outputs. Agriculture accounts for 17% of the nation’s GDP and about 12% of its exports (2016-17). Agriculture is India’s dominant land use, with...

Agriculture stands as a pivotal sector in Afghanistan's economy, contributing significantly to economic growth and livelihoods for a substantial portion of the population. However, challenges stemming from climatic, political, economic, and water-related issues undermine the agricultural sector's stability. With only...
01 June 2022

The agriculture sector is one of the major contributors to Myanmar’s economy. Its share of Myanmar’s GDP is around 30 percent and employs 56 percent of the labour force. Despite its key role in the economy, the country is characterized...