General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Thematic sessions | Workshops | Side events | Posters


Workshop 1 - Essential Fish Habitats as key elements to establishing area-based management measures

Workshop 2 - Future perspectives after the revolution: the rise of tracking devices for monitoring and modelling of fisheries

Workshop 3 - PANACEA : Promoting co-management as an innovative tool for the sustainable use of marine natural resources

  • Introduction by Dania Abdul Malak​ (ETC-UMA, University of Malaga)
  • Conclusions by Dania Abdul Malak​ (ETC-UMA, University of Malaga)

Workshop 4 - Prevention and reduction of marine litter from fisheries and aquaculture and related impacts on marine ecosystems

Workshop 5 - Toward operational fisheries oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea: gaps, challenges, opportunities from openaccess data and integrated tools

Workshop 6 - Complementaries between MPAs and fisheries spatial measures for area-based management (including SPAMIs, FRAs and national fishing reserves)

  • The Role of EBSAs in Supporting Marine Spatial Planning by Joseph Appiott (CBD Secretariat)