General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Closing an important year to welcome 2024 on solid bases


Overfishing in the Mediterranean and Black Sea falls to lowest level in a decade

The percentage of overfished stocks in the Mediterranean and Black Sea has fallen below 60 percent for the first time, following a decreasing trend that started a decade ago.

While overfishing remains a concern, the drop of 15 percent over the last year is consistent with a continuous reduction in fishing pressure, which has fallen by 31 percent since 2012.

The GFCM’s continued focus on expanding management plans and technical and spatial measures is clearly having positive results for key commercial species.

Find out more in The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2023 report (SoMFi 2023) that, for the first time, also includes data on the region’s marine aquaculture sector.


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