Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM)
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
© FAO/ Lena Gubler
Countries of the vast and diverse Europe and Central Asia region receive guidance on an eco-friendly transformation of their agrifood systems. Current agricultural systems of the region are extremely polarized with large-scale intensive agriculture and smallholder farming being at opposite ends. A new approach, called nature-based solutions, can help integrate both modalities, while facing current social challenges, and making use of scientific and technological advances in collaboration with nature, thus transforming...
North Africa abounds in traditional agricultural systems that are remarkable both for the high levels of cultivated biodiversity they represent and for the reservoir of traditional agricultural and culinary knowledge that they have been transmitting for centuries.
Agritourism, ecotourism and other forms of landscape-based tourism serves as an important driver of socio-economic growth. Itincreases and diversifies household incomes, enhances job opportunities, increases resilience of livelihoods, and helps conservenatural and cultural heritage, and pristine biodiversity across landscapes.A recent Memorandum of Understanding between UNWTO and FAO emphasizes the cross-cutting nature of tourism and therelevance of cooperation at all levels to ensure sectoral collaboration. It envisages collaborative activities among FAO’s...
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