Глобальное почвенное партнерство

GSP Workshop “Managing Living Soils” PRESENTATIONS AVAILABLE

The workshop was jointly organized with the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC/EC).

The objective was to review the state of the art in regard to soil management across the world and within each region, drawing on participants knowledge of the status and trends in specific countries and contexts, practical experiences and case studies, including relevant processes or mechanisms that can be built on or scaled up to support sustainable soil management.  Technical, institutional, financial and policy issues and  constraints and opportunities will be discussed as the basis for identifying priorities and future actions for a proposed Plan of Action for Pillar 1 of the Global Soil Partnership on Promoting sustainable management of soil resources worldwide.

Workshop agenda  |  List of participants   |   Presentations  | Photo gallery

05 Dec 2012
- 07 Dec 2012
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy