الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

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إطلاق برنامج التربة الأفريقية Afrisoils على هامش اجتماع الجمعية العامة للشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة


11 – 13 June 2018, FAO HQ. Starting today, Monday, June 11 at 9:00 am (GMT+2 time), the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) holds its 6th Annual Plenary Assembly hosted at FAO Headquarter, Rome.


Sixth Session of the GSP Plenary Assembly


According to the Status of World Soil Resources report, approximately 33% of global soils are degraded, 14% of which are located in Latin America and the Caribbean affecting 150 million people. 


The Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly (PA) constitutes the main venue where all GSP partners come together to make important decisions about the global soil agenda. The 6th PA of the Global Soil Partnership will take place at FAO headquarters in Rome from 11 to 13 June 2018.
