Global Soil Partnership

Call for nominations: Vice-Chairs for NETSOB Working Groups

FAO and its GSP would like to invite you to apply for a leadership role in the International Network on Soil Biodiversity (NETSOB) as we seek Vice-Chairs for three key working groups:

  • Working Group 1: Measurement, assessment, and monitoring of soil biodiversity
  • Working Group 2: Sustainable use, management, and conservation of soil biodiversity
  • Working Group 3: Economics and policies related to soil biodiversity

Established in 2021 under the FAO’s GSP, NETSOB promotes the sustainable use and conservation of soil biodiversity. It connects experts and initiatives worldwide to support the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory (GLOSOB) and advance research and policy in this critical field. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to global soil biodiversity efforts. If you are not yet a member, you can join here!

Deadline for nominations: 14 February 2025

Interested candidates should send a brief bio and CV to [email protected].

More details on the election process and terms of reference are available here.

Join us in shaping the future of soil biodiversity!