Глобальное почвенное партнерство

GSP Plenary Assembly 11th session | 12-14 July 2023

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly is the most important gathering of the partnership where crucial decisions concerning the global soil agenda are taken. It is the main platform for FAO Members and GSP partners to meet and exchange knowledge and expertise in the field of sustainable soil management.  



The Assembly will begin on the 12 July at 9am CEST (FAO headquarters and on zoom) with an opening ceremony featuring the launch of the Soil Atlas of Asia alongside a series of keynote addresses delivered by esteemed speakers. All plenary sessions will be simultaneously interpreted in the six FAO official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. All the documents to be discussed at the Plenary Assembly can be consulted here.

For this year's plenary, a special event will be held to give a voice to all GSP partners. Following the call for side events made a few months ago, many partners expressed interest in hosting a side event at FAO headquarters.

A number of them have been selected and we invite you to join us for this unique day. GSP partners will share their work, valuable expertise, experiences and innovative ideas and projects on soil conservation, restoration, protection and sustainable management.

Participants attending the event in person will receive a warm welcome and have the opportunity to discover an exhibition and enjoy an artistic performance in the FAO atrium. The event will revolve around the captivating theme of this year: soil and water, highlighting their vital importance on our daily lives. Check the Soil Partners' Day agenda.

For any further information, please contact the GSP-Secretariat.