Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

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Enhancing soil carbon stocks allows to mitigate increasing contents of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and at the same time improve food security and climate change resilience.


Quito hosted a regional meeting organized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which brought together government representatives from more than 20 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, who presented for three days, the tools developed in the framework of a regional project of FAO on soil information generation for the sustainable management of natural resources in South American countries.


A half-day discussion on sustainable soil land management, organized by the FAO office in Turkey, took place on the 18th June at the “Successful Transformation toward Land Degradation Neutrality: Future Perspective” International Soil Congress held 17–19 June in Ankara.


Q&As are a great way to engage the audience while pushing different stakeholders to answer specific questions all at once. This is what we did during GSER 19!
