GSP and Promoter agree on the implementation plan
You can download the PDF version to keep track of advances in the Implementation plan design.
1.1 Identify the Implementation Sites
➡️ Identify the target farming community and define the sites where the plan should be carried out. Gather information regarding the location (municipality, locality) and crops grown. When possible, the GPS coordinates the efforts and main soil threat should be provided.
1.2 Compile the participants' information
1.2.1 Information about the trainers
➡️ We recommend involving 10 to 20 trainers willing to actively implement the Programme. The GSP encourages gender equity and youth engagement. Suggested criteria for trainers’ selection are given in the Terms of Reference (ToR).
1.2.2 Information about the Soil Doctors and other farmers
➡️ Identify the number of Soil Doctors to be selected and trained in total, and per each site.
➡️ Identify the number of expected farmers each Soil Doctor can train.
➡️ Provide information on the selection process for the Soil Doctors. Suggested criteria are listed HERE, however, different criteria can be chosen according to local needs and priorities.
1.3 Plan the procurement of the educational material
1.3.1 Select the Module
➡️ Choose the MODULE you would like to implement in your country.
➡️ If you envisage another content, please contact us at [email protected].
1.3.2 Plan the translation of the Educational Posters and Field Exercises (if needed)
➡️ Identify possible support for the translation, validation and publication (FAO country office or GSP).
➡️ Define a timeline for the translation, as well as the budget needed.
➡️ Contact the GSP at [email protected] to receive the text versions and editable pdf of the educational material.
1.3.3 Plan the printing of Posters and the Field Exercises
➡️ The budget needed for printing the posters and field exercises is defined according to THESE SPECIFICATIONS and in relation to the number of trainers and Soil Doctors. We recommend to print one set of Posters and Field Exercises for each trainer and Soil Doctor.
➡️ Get information on the timeline for the printing.
➡️ Compile a cost estimate for the printing.
1.3.4 Plan the shipment or the procurement of the Educational Soil Kits and branded material
➡️ Please be aware that the materials should be available before the training.
1.4 Plan the training together with the GSP
1.4.1 Logistics
➡️ Venue: identify the locations (single or multiple, private or public) where the trainers will receive the training.
➡️ Facilities: make sure that each trainer will be able to actively attend the training (good connectivity, personal computer/room projector if online).
1.4.2 Plan the expenses related to the training activities
➡️ Transport for trainers to reach the implementation sites.
➡️ Food/refreshment for trainers to support their activities with farmers.
➡️ Other incentives for trainers and Soil Doctors (i.e. printing of the certificates, transportation for the Soil Doctors, etc..).
➡️ Provide a total cost estimate for the trainings, including poster tranlations and printing.
1.4.3 Complete the training agenda
Establish a tentative agenda by adapting the example proposed in step 2.
Consider the time needed for the translation (1.3.2) and printing of the Educational Material (1.3.3) as well as for the procurement (1.3.4) before proposing the dates.
GSP trains the promoter
➡️ We recommend starting with an introductory session introducing all parties: GSP, trainers of trainers, other participants, and the institutions involved. Here the objective, methodology, and tools of the programme, as well as the ROADMAP and the certification process, is explained. This session can be held online or in person.
➡️ The following 1 or 2 sessions involves preparation of the technical content of the module to develop for the farmers. Active participation from the Soil Doctor trainers is needed to adapt the farmer's educational material and activities to the local context. These sessions can be online or in person.
➡️ The next sessions is the training of farmers as Soil Doctors (see step 4 for details).
➡️ The last training-of-trainers sessions will be held after the Soil Doctors training to discuss the material received and share experiences from field implementation. In addition, a review of all the available educational material is carried out. A module 2 may be proposed.
➡️ After the last training, the trainers that meet the criteria below are certified "Soil Doctor trainers" and commit to train Soil Doctors.
Trainers will be certified by the GSP provided they comply with these criteria:
- ATTENDANCE: Attending the training preparation sessions is mandatory (on-line or in presence).
- ACTIVE PARTICIPATION AND FEEDBACK: The methods presented by the GSP will be adapted to the local context through interaction with the trainers that provide local examples and case studies.
- LIST OF TRAINED FARMERS: Each trainer will provide a list of trained farmers (general meeting) and/or soil doctors (technical training).
- PICTURE AND VIDEOS OF THE SOIL DOCTORS' TRAINING: Each trainer will provide a short video and pictures of the training activities (both theoretical and practical) in the field with the soil doctors. Please see the INSTRUCTIONS for video recording and this FORM to authorize the GSP to use the images.
CERTIFICATE DELIVERY: Each trainer will receive a certificate signed by the GSP Secretary and the FAO Land and Water division director that acknowledge the acquired competences.
Check out an example of the STANDARD AGENDA
Promoter identifies farmer groups and selects potential Soil Doctors
➡️ The promoter identifies the Soil Doctors according to pre-defined criteria (see examples in ANNEX 2 of the ToR).
➡️ An informational meeting can be organized to introduce the programme to farmers. This session allows identification of Soil Doctors volunteers or to perform assessment test.
After being selected, the Soil Doctors will be trained on the chosen module (1.3).
➡️ Training of Soil Doctors are conducted in two field sessions of three hours each, where the complete module is presented, including:
- explanation of the posters
- development of practical exercises
- final soil evaluation
- recommendation of management practices
➡️ Provide the certificate to the Soil Doctors (you can ask the GSP at [email protected] to share the editable template).
After the initial training of the Soil Doctors, follow-up is key to a successful and lasting implementation. This includes:
➡️ Monitoring and supporting the Soil Doctor´s training of local farmers through regular visits.
➡️ Developing an implementation report, which will allow scaling-up and replicating the training of Soil Doctors by certified trainers. It will also be an important support for the mobilization of resources for the follow-up of the programme. The report should include:
- information about trainings’ participants
- list of trained Soil Doctors
- public comminication and information activities (on-line or in presence)
- resources invested
- follow-up plan
➡️ Possibly develop additional modules and educational material (posters, exercises, guidelines, tutorials) to address specific needs identified during the training.
Reporting the progress of the trainers and Soil Doctors activities across countries is crucial for monitoring the scaling-up of the programme at the global level. You can see latest figures in the global MAP.