
Highlights and events

Strengthening soil health in Southeast Asia through collaboration and knowledge sharing

With the aim of strengthening sustainable soil management (SSM) practices in Southeast Asia, a recent mission to Thailand from 19 to 22 February 2024 yielded promising outcomeS.


Hands that heal our soils. FAO’s Global Soil Doctors Programme teaches remedies to revitalize soils and agricultural production

To address these issues at their roots, the Global Soil Doctors Programme, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is creating a legion of “soil doctors”.


Tajikistan embarks on the Global Soil Doctors Programme for improved soil health and resilience of its agriculture sector

Tajikistan recently embarked on the Global Soil Doctors Programme, an innovative initiative designed to improve sustainable soil management.


Lao PDR’s Soil Doctors Programme

Enhancing soil fertility and empowering farmers for resilient food systems.


Sometimes soils need doctors too #SoilDoctors

FAO’s Global Soil Doctors Programme trains farmers to diagnose and heal soils.

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Celebrating the first 20 soil doctors’ trainers in Burkina Faso

The first phase of the Global Soil Doctors programme has successfully been implemented in Burkina Faso.


Mexican Soil Doctors team up for a unique World Soil Day 2022

Thanks to the University programme for interdisciplinary soil studies (PUEIS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a one-day celebration was held on-line on 7 December 2022.


Thailand's testing kits empower farmers to monitor the state of their soils

Getting the balance right: regulating soil pH values to improve agricultural production...


Positioning the Soil Doctors Programme as a mechanism that matters

As the Soil Doctors Programme enters its second year, it has successfully scaled-up... 


Entering the implementation phase of the Global Soil Doctors Programme 

The first step for the implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme at the local level...


Global Soil Doctors Programme: farmers boosting soil health

FAO's Global Soil Partnership had the pleasure to Launch the Global Soil Doctors Programme...


WEBINAR: Launch of the Global Soil Doctors Programme

FAO's Global Soil Partnership is pleased to invite you to its webinar on...
