Introducción al Foro de Inversión de la Iniciativa Mano de la mano 2024

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El Foro de Inversión 2024, el pilar de la labor de establecimiento de alianzas de la Iniciativa, constituye una plataforma para que las autoridades nacionales presenten oportunidades de inversión a inversores, bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, el sector privado y donantes, poniendo el foco en el potencial de la inversión en la agricultura nacional y en las oportunidades de inversión en las cadenas de valor alimentarias. 

Para los países, la financiación a largo plazo de inversiones del sector público es fundamental para el éxito de la Iniciativa Mano de la mano. En cuanto a los bancos multilaterales de desarrollo, sus estructuras de financiación combinada y sus mecanismos de mitigación del riesgo pueden apoyar a los inversores del sector privado en los países más pobres y frágiles, y ayudar a mejorar los roles de estos inversores en los países participantes.

Tras el éxito del segundo Foro de Inversión de la Iniciativa Mano de la Mano, celebrado en 2023, la tercera edición de este, más amplia, tendrá lugar del 15 al 17 de octubre de 2024 en Roma (Italia) y contará con la presencia de 28 países.

Los posibles inversores también tendrán la oportunidad de conocer iniciativas regionales y subregionales y oportunidades de inversión relacionadas con estas. 

Durante este evento de tres días, ministros y representantes de los países participantes podrán presentar sus planes de inversiones nacionales priorizados y detallar oportunidades en aquellas áreas en las que la Iniciativa Mano de la mano apoya al Gobierno para reducir la pobreza y el hambre.

También se pueden concertar en cualquier momento reuniones bilaterales entre ministros y funcionarios superiores de cada país participante y potenciales socios para el desarrollo, sobre todo durante el evento y tras su finalización.


Países participantes



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Cameroon adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Comoros (SIDS)

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Comores adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Eswatini adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Gabon adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Kenya adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Lesotho adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Madagascar adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Nigeria adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Rwanda adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


South Sudan

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, South Sudan adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Tanzania adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Uganda adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Zambia adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Bhutan adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...




Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Cambodia adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Nepal adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Pakistan adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


Papua New Guinea

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Papua New Guinea adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


The Philippines

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Philippines adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first introduction in Hand in Hand inititiave the country is preparing to present the country proposal in upcoming investment forum 2024, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Colombia adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more..




Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Cuba adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


Dominican Republic

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Dominican Republic adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Ecuador adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...




Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Guatemala adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Paraguay adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Peru adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Iraq adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...



Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Mauritania adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


Dry Corridor

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Amazonia adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...




Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, the Sahel Initiative adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...




Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Amazonia adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


Caribbean SIDS

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, the Caribbean adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...


Southern Africa

Having completed its first-ever national agricultural survey, Southern Africa adopted the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to strengthen the impact of the National Development Plan, Read more...

Datos relativos a los países de ediciones anteriores del Foro