AgrInvest Food Systems


Under AgrInvest, FAO, in partnership with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), is implementing the project “AgrInvest - Enabling inclusive and efficient private sector investment in agri-food systems”. This project aims to foster SDG-aligned investments in agri-food systems in Africa to contribute to sustainable economic growth and boost...

Under AgrInvest, FAO, in partnership with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), is implementing the project “AgrInvest - Enabling inclusive and efficient private sector investment in agri-food systems”. This project aims to foster SDG-aligned investments in agri-food systems in Africa to contribute to sustainable economic growth and boost...

As result of a partnership with ECDPM, the AgrInvest-FS project has just released its first Food Systems assessment for Burkina Faso using a political economy approach. This study maps the food system in Burkina Faso, outlining in broad terms its social, environmental, and economic outcomes, as well as its key...

Cette étude de cadrage vise à éclairer la mise en œuvre du projet AgrInvest-Systèmes alimentaires au Burkina Faso, une collaboration entre l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et le Centre européen de gestion des politiques de développement (ECDPM) visant à promouvoir les investissements privés dans les systèmes...

This newsletter will share information and knowledge about the project, through several different features, such as: weekly results and achievements; alerts for new publications; success stories; messages from the team; upcoming events; links to project videos and photos; links to online discussions; and much more.

In this issue you will find:...

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