Apoyo a la Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre 2025

Chefs against Hunger

We all have to contribute to the fight against hunger and many people wish to contribute from their respective professional areas and areas they know about.

Chefs against Hunger is a campaign from the Latin American and the Caribbean without Hunger Initiative in which prestigious international chefs, cooks and gastronomic critics participate. They are committed to improving the nutrition of the people of the region, with a special emphasis on the most vulnerable people. 

Amongst its main results, the campaign has published four cookbooks. Three of these are international and are dedicated to emblematic food in the diet of Latin Americans, such as potatoes, legumes and corn. The fourth book focuses on products from the Chilean sea: algae, shellfish and fish.

The four cookbooks show the important effort made to show practical and simple ways to have a varied and delicious diet, and to prepare food that is the basis of food in the region. 

We would like to invite other countries to continue fighting against hunger and malnutrition and promoting healthy food based on easily available products.

