Núcleo de Capacitación en Políticas Públicas

African Swine Fever Introductory Course

Modalidad: Self-learning | Desde el 30-06-23 hasta el 31-12-24

The Regional Division of Livestock, Health, and Animal Biodiversity of FAO in the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean warmly welcomes you to the self-learning course “African Swine Fever Introductory Course”.

African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral disease that affects domestic and wild pigs, with a mortality rate that can reach 100%.

While this disease does not pose any danger to human health, it has devastating effects on pig populations and the economies of production systems. Currently, there is no effective vaccine against ASF.

The prevention of animal-origin health crises through early outbreak detection and the implementation of rapid response mechanisms for its elimination are fundamental components that national veterinary services must carry out to prevent the high social, economic, and environmental costs that an epidemic outbreak of African swine fever can cause.

This remote educational opportunity arises in response to the ongoing need for training for Veterinarians, Livestock Technicians, professionals involved in the pig production chain, students, among others. Understanding that the introduction of the virus triggers a health crisis with enormous economic losses due to the decline in pig production (high mortality) and restrictions on the trade of animals and products, particularly at the international level, the implementation of prevention measures is of paramount importance in the affected country.

Remember to write your name correctly as it will appear on the certificate and you won't be able to modify it later.

Course Details:


African Swine Fever Introductory Course

Course Type:

Self-learning course

Total Course Duration:

2 chronological hours

Course Methodology:

This course is developed through self-learning, and it is the responsibility of participants to construct their own knowledge. It is structured into five brief thematic units for sequential exploration, each lasting approximately 20 minutes. You can study these units at your preferred time and place and use them as reference material when needed.

Course Start:

from June 21, 2023

Target Audience:

This introduction course is intended for a diverse audience interested in ASF due to various circumstances. We hope it serves as a useful resource for pig owners, veterinary professionals and assistants, as well as others working in the pig industry.

Overall Objective:

The course aims to raise awareness about ASF and develop the abilities to detect and prevent it.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of this course, it is expected that you will be better prepared to:

  • Describe the global importance of ASF and its repercussions.
  • Explain how ASF spreads in domestic pigs and wild species.
  • Describe the characteristic clinical symptoms of ASF.
  • Explain how initial clinical, laboratory, and epidemiological assessments are carried out to confirm or rule out the presence of ASF.
  • Apply the main existing prevention and control measures for ASF.
  • Module 1: : Why is ASF important?
    • Introduction to ASF.
    • Distribution of ASF.
    • Repercussions of ASF.
  • Module 2: : How is ASF transmitted?
    • Transmission pathways among animals in a specific area.
    • How ASF can spread over long distances and borders.
  • Module 3: What are the clinical signs of ASF?
    • Pathogenesis of this disease.
    • Set of symptoms observable in live animals.
    • Common autopsy findings.
    • Differential diagnoses.
  • Module 4: Suspecting ASF: How to investigate?
    • Steps to follow in the investigation of suspected ASF cases.
  • Module 5: How to prevent ASF.
    • Implement biosecurity measures that reduce the risk of ASF virus transmission.
    • Key measures to control the emergence of an ASF outbreak.

Additionally, in each section, you will find a list of supplementary reading sources that will help you delve deeper into what you've learned. These resources are optional, and it is not necessary to have consulted them to pass the course.

Assessment and Passing Requirements:

To obtain a course certificate, you must complete a final assessment upon concluding the entire learning process, achieving a grade higher than 70%, and respond to both pre-course and post-course evaluation surveys.

The obtained grade will be translated into the following grading scale:

  • Excellent: 90 to 100 points
  • Very Good: 80 to 89 points
  • Pass: 70 to 79 points
  • Fail: 0 to 69 points
Hardware Requirements:

The device used by the participant to take the course should meet the following minimum technical specifications for proper completion:

  • PC with an internet connection.
  • The quality and speed of browsing and document download will depend solely on the connection bandwidth.
  • RAM memory greater than 1GB.
  • Free hard disk space greater than: 500 MB.
  • Processor of 600 MHz or higher.
Software Requirements:
  • Latest version of web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari u Opera, with JavaScript enabled..
  • Screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels (width by height).
  • PDF document reader.
Additional Requirements:
  • Proficiency in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, smooth email handling, and internet navigation.
  • Availability of time for supplementary readings.
  • Course attendance time is at the participant's discretion. You can access the classroom at any time.

The course will be conducted entirely in English.


Upon successfully passing the course, participants can automatically download the certificate issued by FAO Virtual Learning Centers from the course platform.

Please remember to keep your certificate safe, as it won't be downloadable again once the training is completed.

FAO Regional Initiative it aligns with:

RI3 - Sustainable use of natural resources, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk management.

Associated Improvement (Better):

BP3: One Health, BL3: Agriculture and food emergencies

Associated PPA:

Better Production 3: One Health (Better Production 3: One Health)

Clusters the course is part of:

1. One Health; 13. Resilience and emergency response

Responsible Officer:

Andrés González


For further inquiries, please contact [email protected]; [email protected]