Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change


Climate change mitigation finance for smallholder agriculture: a guide book to harvesting soil carbon sequestration benefits

Working papers

Building on FAO policy advice and incorporating lessons from ongoing agricultural carbon finance projects of FAO and other organizations, this document provides an overview of potential mitigation finance opportunities for soil carbon sequestration.

Climate-Smart Agriculture, policies, practices and financing for food security, adaptation and mitigation

Working papers

Developing Climate-Smart Agriculture is crucial to achieving food security and climate change goals. This paper examines some of the key technical, institutional, policy and financial responses required to achieve this transformation.    

Food security and agricultural mitigation in developing countries: options for capturing synergies

Working papers

Potential synergies between food security, adaptation and climate change mitigation from land-based agricultural practices could help to generate multiple benefits needed to address the multiple demands placed on agriculture. This work explores these synergies and indicates promising mitigation options with synergies, options that involve trade-offs, possible options for required financing, and possible elements in designing country implementation processes.
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