
Interview with Jade Saunders of Forest Trends and Chatham House

07 April 2017
Jade Saunders, a Senior Policy Analyst at Forest Trends and an Associate Fellow of the Energy, Environment and Development Programme at Chatham House, explains how timber import regulations in Europe, the United States and Australia benefit people and communities in [...]

Why does legal timber matter?

15 September 2016
The FAO FLEGT Programme has supported over 200 projects in 40 tropical timber-producing countries to improve forest governance and support legal timber trade. FAO works with the European Union (EU), member states, partner organizations and local stakeholders to help prepare timber-producing [...]

Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) explained

15 September 2016
llegal logging has a devastating effect on forests and the people who depend on them, and is estimated to be worth 30-100 billion USD annually, or 10-30 percent of the total global timber trade. The European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement, [...]

Indonesia and the EU issue licence certifying legal timber entering Europe

15 September 2016
The world’s first Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) licence certifies that timber entering the European Union has been harvested, transported, processed and traded according to Indonesian law. As Robert Simpson, FAO FLEGT Programme Manager explains, in addition to [...]


21 June 2016
Este video trata sobre el desarrollo de mecanismos para la Veeduría Forestal o Monitoreo forestal independiente (MFI) por los indígenas en San Martín, Perú, apoyadas por el Programa FLEGT de la FAO. El monitoreo del estado de los bosques es un proceso muy [...]

Nueva fase del Programa FLEGT de la FAO

21 June 2016
El 13 de mayo se inauguró en la sede de la FAO en Roma una nueva fase del Plan de Acción sobre Aplicación de las Leyes, Gobernanza y Comercio Forestales (FLEGT, por sus siglas en inglés) de la FAO. El [...]

Rachel Butler on the Global Timber Forum

07 June 2016
Rachel Butler, Executive Director of the Global Timber Forum, describes the priorities of the new international timber sector networking and communications platform, whose main function is to bring the voices of the small and medium enterprises into the international arena.Read [...]

Cindy Squires on how the private sector can engage in sustainable and legal forestry

07 June 2016
Cindy Squires, Executive Director of the International Wood Products Association, asserts that the private sector, or “people on the ground”, need to be informed and included in discussions on timber legality and sustainability. They also need to be aware of [...]

Alexander Adu on supporting small forest enterprises to face challenges in Ghana

07 June 2016
Alexander Adu of the Kumasi Wood Cluster Association recommends some ways that small and medium enterprises can improve legal compliance. The association he works for in Ghana supports small businesses to use wood harvested in ways that maintain or restore [...]

Françoise Van de Ven sur les difficultés rencontrées par les entreprises forestières au Gabon

07 June 2016
Françoise Van de Ven recense les principales difficultés auxquelles les entreprises forestières Gabonaises font face lorsqu’il s’agit de se conformer aux réglementations juridiques. Elle fournit également des suggestions pour mieux se conformer à la législation.En savoir plus:
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