Forest Data Partnership

A collective approach for ending deforestation and accelerating restoration
The Forest Data Partnership strengthens collaboration and application around global monitoring of commoditydriven deforestation, forest degradation and restoration efforts across the globe. Governments and companies around the world are pledging to help end deforestation and accelerate restoration to avert the worst impacts of climate change, protect against biodiversity loss and safeguard the many benefits of forests to people and nature.

The partnership aims to halt and reverse forest loss from commodity production by collaboratively improving global monitoring and supply chain tracking, as well as accelerating restoration. It aligns partners around the data and ensures access for stakeholders across sectors to open-source data on geospatial forest-risk commodities that is consistent and validated. The result is credible, systematic monitoring, verification and accountability towards progress in reducing commodity-driven deforestation and restoring degraded lands.
Our stories
Enhancing compliance with deforestation-free regulations and enabling local participation with Ground: Insights from user experiences in Ivory Coast
Our solutions
whisp-logo What is in that plot
Open Foris Ground early version test demo session

A simple, intuitive, and versatile data collection mobile application to empower smallholders to

Towards a digital public infrastructure for deforestation-related trade regulations

What is in that plot? (Whisp) solution to implement convergence of evidence What is in that plot is an open-source solution which helps to produce...

Key publications

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) drives the development of a pre-competitive digital public infrastructure to support compliance on aspects of the trade regulations related to forest monitoring.

A community palm model

This model, and resulting oil palm probability map products are useful for accurately identifying the geographic footprint of palm cultivation. Used in conjunction with timely deforestation information, this palm model is useful for understanding the risk of continued oil palm plantation expansion in sensitive forest areas.

Founding partners
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