The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism


There is no universal recipe to implement FLR successfully in every context. The selection of the site, restoration method and species will depend on the needs and objectives of the interventions. Here different approaches and tools can be found to guide you through the implementation process. This module has been developed in the context of the GEF6 funded program “The Restoration Initiative”

The Partners to the Collaborative Roadmap

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  • FAO
  • IUCN
  • UNEP
  • GEF
This publication provides guidance for terrestrial, marine, and freshwater protected area managers at both system and site levels on the restoration of natural and associated values of protected areas. As this sometimes necessitates restoration beyond protected area borders (e.g., to address ecosystem fragmentation and maintain well-connected protected area systems), this guide uses the term ‘restoration for protected areas’ for activities within protected areas and for activities in connecting or surrounding lands and waters that influence protected area values. It provides information on principles and best practice, with examples, and advice on the process of restoration, but is not a comprehensive restoration manual and does not give detailed methodologies and techniques.
Keywords: Climate change, Ecosystem approach, Sustainable land management
Category: Capacity development, Implementation of restoration
Type: Case studies, Guidance and methods, Learning and capacity development
Scale: Global, Local
Dimension: Management
Organization: IUCN
Year of publication: 2012
This document provides a set of guidelines to lead restoration practitioners and project managers stepwise through the process of ecological restoration in accord with the principles outlined in the SER International Primer. The guidelines are applicable to the restoration of any ecosystem—terrestrial or aquatic—and can be used to guide projects under any auspices, including public works projects, environmental stewardship programs, mitigation projects, private land initiatives, and others.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Degradation, Sustainability
Category: Implementation of restoration
Type: Guidance and methods
Scale: Global
Dimension: Management
Organization: SER
Year of publication: 2005
In a world grappling with the challenges of food insecurity, climate change, landscape degradation, and rural poverty, regreening offers a path forward, especially in dryland areas. The transformation of degraded landscapes—restoring productivity and increasing resilience through the widespread adoption of agroforestry and sustainable land management practices—can deliver food, climate, and livelihood benefits.
Keywords: Agriculture, Climate change, Degradation, Forest resources, Livelihoods
Category: Implementation of restoration
Type: Guidance and methods
Scale: Regional, Local
Dimension: Ecological, Governance & Participation, Management
Organization: WRI
Year of publication: 2015
The importance of restoration continues to grow, and this book integrates the restoration of forest functions into landscape conservation plans. The global conservation organization WWF has made forest landscape restoration a key topic and priority for its environmental work.  Due to the WWF’s extensive global reach, and together with its many partners and counterparts, it has acquired a significant level of experience on the topic of forest restoration at large scales. This book represents the collective body of knowledge and experience of WWF and its many partners--which is collected here for the first time and which will be invaluable to all of those working in the field.  This guide will serve as a first stop for practitioners and researchers in any organization or region and as a key reference on the subject.  Along with concise, practical information for a variety of specific systems and issues, it gives many suggestions for further research.
Keywords: Agroforestry, Biodiversity, Forest resources, Natural regeneration, Sustainability
Category: Implementation of restoration
Type: Case studies, Guidance and methods, Repository of data
Scale: Global
Dimension: Ecological, Management, Socioeconomic
Organization: WWF
Year of publication: 2005
The purpose of this Guide is to give advice to owners and managers on the restoration of those ancient woodland sites in England which were planted predominantly with non-native species since the 1930s. The emphasis of the Guide is on the potential contribution of restoration to biodiversity and the practical considerations for successful development of native woodland. The guidance aims to ensure that individual woods are considered within a landscape and regional context. Methods are proposed for identifying where the greatest ecological gains can be achieved and where there may also be significant economic, visual and cultural opportunities. Approaches to management planning, harvesting and regeneration are provided, together with methods for setting targets and monitoring success.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Forest resources, Natural regeneration
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities, Implementation of restoration, Monitoring & Evaluation
Type: Guidance and methods
Scale: Local
Dimension: Ecological, Management
Organization: Forestry Commission
Year of publication: 2003
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