Integrated ocean management - Fisheries, oil, gas and seabed mining


Oceans cover around 70 percent of the earth, hold 97 percent of the earth's water, produce more than half of the atmosphere's oxygen, and sequester large quantities of carbon. 

A GLOBEFISH report explores the principles and application of integrated ocean management (IOM) concepts from a policy perspective through the use of four case studies: Norway, Namibia, Angola and Indonesia. Through the case studies, challenges and lessons are identified on the development and implementation of ocean management.

The case studies presented demonstrate both the successes and challenges a country faces when developing an integrated ocean management (IOM) policy. The historical and cultural contexts play a role in how governments are able to create and implement policies. In Norway, the Government is able to draft, pass and enforce laws in a relatively short time, whereas in Indonesia, the planning and coordination process may take much longer. Namibia's cultural heritage has given the country strong governance, which it has used to create vibrant ocean industries. And yet, countries are not trapped by their histories; for example, despite Angola's devastating past, it remains committed to the Benguela Current Commission (BCC) and thus the responsible use of their oceans.

The relative power of each marine industry in each case seems may have some bearing on the resulting marine management plans. In Norway, the fishing industry is quite powerful because of the long history, and the management plans aim to maintain the health of the fish stocks and ecosystems. However, in Indonesia, fisheries have relatively less power, and thus do not have a strong voice in policy-making. It is important for each country to consider the relative power of each industry during the stakeholder consultation process while moving towards equal representation.


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