Launching Smart Fisheries Co-management project in Cambodia


In an effort to promote sustainable fisheries and diverse livelihoods, an upcoming meeting is set to mark the launch of the FAO SFC project (namely "Fisheries Co-management Capacity Development for Blue Communities: Sustainable Fisheries and Diverse Livelihoods") in Cambodia.

The project inception workshop will be held on 13 June 2023 in Phonom Penh (Cambodia) as a joint effort among FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The meeting aims to create a strong foundation for sustainable fisheries and diverse livelihoods through an empowered co-management of fisheries resources, paving the way for a more sustainable future for communities under the auspices of the FAO Blue Transformation roadmap.

The meeting will provide a platform to present and share comprehensive information about the project. Attendees from Government, NGOs, and other stakeholders will gain insights into the project's background, and will exchange of valuable lessons and experiences gathered from both concluded and ongoing projects.

This knowledge sharing will enhance collaboration, enabling the integration of best practices and innovative approaches into the implementation of the current project, ensuring that past successes are replicated, and challenges are proactively addressed.