Promotion des activités génératrices de revenus dans les zones cotonnières
En dépit des mesures prises tant au niveau international que national, le travail des enfants persiste au Burkina Faso. Les facteurs à l’origine de la prévalence du travail des enfants dans le pays sont nombreux et interconnectés de manière complexe. [...]

How the Pastoralist Livelihoods and Education Field Schools approach addresses conflict drivers and strengthens resilience in cattle camps
This Learning Brief documents the main lessons drawn from the country investment implemented jointly by FAO and UNESCO and their implementing partners in South Sudan from 2019 to 2021 in the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership [...]

World Refugee Day | 20 June 2023
Conflict is a major driver of food crises, followed by weather extremes and economic shocks. Violent conflict is also a primary drivers of forced displacement, another factor contributing to heightened food insecurity.
With the average [...]

Supporting incomes and livelihoods with cash assistance in Dong Nai province
In late April 2021, Viet Nam faced its fourth wave of COVID-19, with over 895 000 new cases reported. COVID-19 and related restrictions hindered livelihood options leaving vulnerable households facing financial stress to cover basic needs. Dong Nai is among the [...]

Promoting structural transformation and resilience of the agriculture sector through sustainable energy solutions
This Learning Brief documents the main lessons drawn from the country investment implemented in the Gaza Strip from 2018 to 2022 by FAO and its partners in the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme, funded by [...]