KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Knowledge management is fundamental for efficiently providing emergency assistance and strengthening resilience in especially vulnerable communities. Considering the increasing work, diverse experiences and success stories across the sector, it is extremely important to build synergies around resilience practitioners and initiatives and address [...]
  This event is part of a webinar series on Anticipatory Action (AA). Slow-onset hazards progressively erode livelihoods, especially among the most vulnerable people, often leading to negative coping strategies, increasing vulnerability and hunger. With early warning systems and pre-agreed finance, it is possible to act [...]
KORE, under the leadership of the Global Programme Support Team and coordination platform, the Emergency Management Center, developed a set of knowledge sharing and visibility outputs to facilitate documentation and dissemination of emerging COVID-19 sensitization responses in countries with food crisis situations, [...]
  At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Food and Nutrition Division, has joined forces with KORE from the Office of Emergencies and Resilience, to document and share knowledge on country experiences in nutrition and resilience.  Food and Nutrition education [...]
  Adopting Anticipatory Action and shock-responsive social protection to strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience: Learning from the ASEAN region  This webinar is co-organised with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, in close collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Regional technical working group on anticipatory [...]