KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

A humanitarian networks and partnerships weeks event
FACE TO FACE WEEK!  USAID and members of the Advocacy Compact on Famine Prevention and Mitigation (coordinated by WFP), wish to invite you to this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) hybrid event, “Tackling the Next Phase of the Global [...]
  We face a reality where hazardous events are interrelated, and disaster impacts cascade in unpredictable ways. Multi-hazards can be a coincidence, they can be directly triggered by another or influence each other, creating multi-vulnerabilities that we need to prepare for. [...]
KORE, under the leadership of the Global Programme Support Team and coordination platform, the Emergency Management Center, developed a set of knowledge sharing and visibility outputs to facilitate documentation and dissemination of emerging COVID-19 sensitization responses in countries with food crisis situations, [...]
  Partage de leçons de la pandémie de COVID-19. Quelles perspectives? Rejoignez-nous le 23 Juin pour découvrir et partager les expériences d'utilisation d'outils de formation à distance pour soutenir les CEP pendant le COVID-19 et au-delà. L'événement comprendra des présentations d'expériences sur le terrain et une table ronde, ainsi [...]
  At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Food and Nutrition Division, has joined forces with KORE from the Office of Emergencies and Resilience, to document and share knowledge on country experiences in nutrition and resilience.  Food and Nutrition education [...]