KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

The webinar will provide evidence from the work of two programmes in the Niger Delta - the UK Aid-funded Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) programme and The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta's (PIND). The COVID-19 pandemic - and restrictions [...]
Violent storms, extended droughts, crop pests, animal diseases – these are just a few of the multiple types of hazards that are increasingly undermining the livelihoods of the world’s 2.5 billion agriculture-reliant people – and causing billions of dollars in [...]
The existence of thresholds constitutes an important frontier topic for resilience analysis and measurement. This paper contributes to the literature by identifying critical resilience thresholds below which rural Tanzanian households are unable to absorb the negative effects of temperature anomalies [...]
Results from cost–benefit analyses conducted in a multi-country study, 2016–2018
Investing in disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures at farm level is a crucial way to proactively reduce risk exposure at local level and enhance, from the bottom up, the resilience of farming families to natural hazards. Also, the fact that [...]
The Resilience Measurement, Evidence and Learning Community of Practice (CoP), in conjunction with members and partners, is pleased to announce the RMEL CoP Conference 2018. This conference will convene: resilience measurement and research specialists; resilience monitoring, evaluation and learning practitioners; and [...]
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