In Guatemala, heavy rains, violent storms and prolonged droughts are threatening the agriculture sector and consequently the food security in the country. It is not just the country’s geographical location that leaves it susceptible, but poor housing, lack of land planning, high malnutrition and unemployment are some of the socioeconomic aspects that compound the situation to make the country’s inhabitants more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with indigenous communities and small land holders being among the most vulnerable and affected.
Adaptation policies
In an effort to increase climate, social and economic resilience, Guatemala developed a National Climate Change Action Plan (Plan de Acción Nacional de Cambio Climático, PANCC) that incorporates mitigation and adaptation priority actions. One of the national priority actions is Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security and Integrated Water Resource Management where NAP-Ag interventions are focused.
The program has supported the design of the Strategic Plan for Climate Change of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) 2018-2027 and Action Plan 2018-2022 which identifies four adaptation strategic lines: 1) Promotion of the use of good agricultural practices adapted to the climate. 2) Science and technology transfer for adaptation. 3) Recovery of ancestral knowledge for the adaptation of agriculture. 4) Harvesting and sustainable use of water resources.
NAP-Ag activities
The NAP-Ag Programme is contributing to the implementation of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (Plan de Acción Nacional de Cambio Climático, PANCC), in particular Chapter 3 on Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security, and Chapter 6 on Integrated Water Resource Management. In addition, the FAO and UNDP National Offices promote the following activities:
Monitoring and Evaluation
A platform for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) system and relevant indicators for the Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security sector of the PNACC has been consolidated in coordination with the Climate Change Unit and the Planning Department of the MAGA, as well as the technical staff of the Climate Change Department and the National Climate Change Information System Unit of the MARN (Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales). This system will allow the implementation and monitoring of the PANCC, as well as the review and update of the NDC targets.
Sustainable and efficient water use for irrigation in the semi-arid areas
Within the framework of the policy of promotion of irrigation, the NAP –Ag project establishes a strategic alliance through FAO, directly with the irrigation Department of the MAGA, to address the themes water, and specifically the item "irrigation", as a working link for the project development with efficient irrigation systems – drip irrigation - in communities of the semi-arid zone of the country. This action serves as a promotion of agricultural adaptation to climate change, based on the link: "Water - protection of sources of water-agriculture". Giving life to the implementation of the PANCC components, aimed at impacting on the livelihoods of vulnerable population.
- Development of a roadmap for the implementation of the Irrigation Promotion Policy 2013-2023 (Política de Promoción del Riego), pre-feasibility and feasibility assessment manual for community-based irrigation projects with a focus on adaptation. Two pre-investment studies have been carried out integrating the hydraulic and agronomic design of the small scale irrigation systems for the Municipalities of San Pedro Pinula, (Jalapa) and Agua Blanca, (Jutiapa).
- Implementation of irrigation pilot systems in the semi-arid zone (Corrredor Seco), with the purpose of advocacy, socialization and training of communities and farmers' associations through the National Federation of Irrigation Users (Federación Nacional de Usuarios de Riego de Guatemala, FENURGUA). Several microbasins were identified in the Corredor Seco (specifically in the departments and municipalities of: Jalapa, San Pedro Pinula; Jutiapa, Agua Blanca; and Chiquimula, Camotán) for the testing of irrigation systems.
Capacity development of policy makers and extension agents
- Capacity development of professionals from MAGA, and the National Rural Extension System on adaptation responses in the agriculture sector linked to the PANCC and the Irrigation Promotion Policy 2013-2023.
- Development of training modules at regional level targeted to MAGA extension agents to improve MAGA’s institutional capacities on adaptation of climate change through the implementation of the climate change training plan. targeted to MAGA extension agents.
- Organization of workshops and dialogues for MAGA’s extension staff in the Southeast part of Guatemala (Santa Rosa, Jutiapa and Jalapa) to discuss the concept, usefulness and application of cost and benefit analysis of climate change adaptation livestock practices and which are the enabling framework and barriers that influence the implementation of adaptation livestock practices.
- Organisation of training workshop to agriculture, livestock and food security stakeholders as a resource to support country’s efforts to advance in designing and implementing of an adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework and workplan for the agriculture sector.
- Capacity development to strength climate change institutional interventions by updating the Climate Change Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación, MAGA) for the period 2018-2027 and Action Plan for 2018-2022
- Organization of workshops and dialogues for technical staff within MAGA and the Department of Irrigation (Departamento de Riego del Ministerio de Agricultura, DIPRODU) to define the legal, political and institutional frameworks for sustainable water use and management in the country.
Monitoring and Evaluation for adaptation
Development of an adaptation M&E system for the Agriculture, Livestock and Food Security sector of the PNACC in coordination with the Climate Change Unit and the Planning Department of MAGA and the technical staff of the Climate Change Department and the National Climate Change Information System Unit of the MARN (Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales). This system will allow the implementation not only the PANCC but also the national transparency commitments arising from the Paris Agreement.
Costs-benefit analysis (CBA) on adaptation livestock practices
Development of CBA in 30 farms in the Southeast part of Guatemala where 15 adaptation livestock practices were prioritised. The analysis aims to support decision-making process and identify solutions at policy level (e.g. adaptation policy adjustments) and to estimate the costs and benefits (economic, social and environment) of different climate change adaptation options.