Near East Network on Wildlands Forest Fire - NENFIRE


Near East Network on Wildlands Forest Fire - NENFIRE 

Forest fires in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region are on the rise in recent years due to climate change, increasing risks for the region’s fragile natural environment, the people and their assets. FAO  – through the Regional Initative on Building Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition in the Near NENA Region (RI-FSN), is promoting Integrated Fire Management (IFM), which combines science and fire management approaches with socio-economic elements at multiple levels for the planning and implementation of a balanced approach to managing fires. This approach places greater emphasis on addressing underlying causes and seeking long-term, sustainable solutions that incorporate five essential elements. These are the same as the globally adopted characterization set out in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and used in dealing with disasters and their management. Recognizing the importance of addressing the mounting risks of forest fires, the FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (FAO RNE) has established the Near East Network on Wildlands Forest Fire, called NENFIRE for short.

The Near East Network on Wildlands Forest Fire, as with the Near East Network on Forest Health and Invasive Species (NENFHIS), is a subsidiary body of the Near East Forest and Range Commission.


The creation of NENFIRE aims at:

  • Strengthening regional collaboration and enhancing the exchange of information and experiences in forest fires in the region.
  • Encouraging national focal points to share information, expertise, tools and innovations in fire management.