Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)


09 October 2023
Youth unemployment rates in Tunisia are high. The Béja region is among those most affected by youth unemployment. Young men and women tend to abandon rural areas in search of opportunities in the cities or abroad.  This video presents the...
06 October 2023
Ines Messaoudi, 40, grew up in a small town near Tunis. But her heart has always lain in the Béja region, a rural area in the northwest of Tunisia where she spent her summers reveling in the local culture and...
09 August 2023
A Resolution on “Encouraging the Application of the ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture and Forestry Sectors” was adopted during the 44th General Assembly of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), held on 5-11...
12 July 2023
Southeast Asia attracts billions of dollars a year in investment in the food, agriculture, and forestry sectors. This investment is crucial for food security and poverty alleviation, but to generate long-term sustainable benefits, such investment needs to be responsible. This...
20 June 2023
The FAO representation in Mauritania, in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors, organized from May 30 to June 2, 2023 in Nouadhibou, a participatory brainstorming workshop aimed at strengthening the capacities of policymakers to...