Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information System (SAMIS)


Component 1 / SHORT TERM

As the small scale level, the project will build the infrastructure and a comprehensive agro-climatic monitoring and information capacity for optimal farmers and smallholders decision-making. Farmers will therefore be able to take informed judgements about the most appropriate technologies and approaches in face of climate vagaries. The activity will be strengthening agro-climatic monitoring, analysis, communication and use of data and information for decision making in agriculture and food security.

The project will install 15 stations. Increasing coverage of data gathering capacity in the major agricultural areas will generate reliable information to influence decision making at national, provincial, district and local levels. It will also include improving connectivity between different levels, along with mechanisms and norming for data sharing. The present activity is realized in collaboration with World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and JICA.

SAMIS stations' map (click to enlarge)

The project is also setting up the agro-meteorological monitoring, communication and analysis facilities at national and provincial level and the institutional and technical capacity on data sharing, archiving, analysis and interpretation of agro-meteorological information products to users at all levels.

The project will produce the system called Laos Climate Services in Agriculture or LaCSA. LaCSA archives and processes agro-meteorological and climatological data. By means of such data, it interpolates and provides agro-meteorological services to end-users. The system generates and delivers agro-met services to farmers by analyzing the meteorological and agriculture data. It produces seasonal forecast, and seven days bulletins. The seven days bulletin contains weekly weather bulletin, climate smart agriculture recommendations and pest and diseases risk advisory.

LACSA scheme (click to enlarge)

The component is implemented by Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

A leaflet describing the activities is available here.

Main Outputs:

  • Improved/re-habilitated agro-meteorological station networks with both conventional and automatic weather stations.
  • Improved data coding and communication facilities in major agricultural products areas to enhance connectivity of national Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) with provincial level sub-units.
  • Upgraded laboratory for instrument calibration and agro-meteorological analysis at DMH, Vientiane.
  • Developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and guidelines, and trained staff of climatology and agro-meteorology division of DMH.
  • Assessed training needs and organized series of training programmes (at least 4) for development of value added forecast and information products.
  • Developed training curricula related to climatology (including seasonal forecast), agro-meteorology, remote sensing and GIS, crop yield forecasting and preparation of improved crop bulletins.
  • Developed technical capacity in communication of climate information, its use in preparation of strategies and plans, and in adoption of sustainable farming practices at provincial and district levels.