
Condolences for Professor Aurelius Kyrham Nongkynrih

22/02/2021 - 

The Indigenous Peoples Unit of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) expresses its condolences to the Khasi people and the family of Professor Aurelius Kyrham Nongkynrih.

Belonging to the Khasi society, one of the oldest indigenous peoples in North-East India, Professor Kyrham was a renowned sociologist who taught sociology at the North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India. His main areas of interests were sociology of tribes and indigenous peoples; sociology of organizations; sociology of family and kinship, sociology of rural development and social change.

An untiring advocate, Professor Kyrham gave considerable time, passion and expertise to promote the recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights and knowledge. 

He tirelessly dedicated his life to education and indigenous peoples´ youth. His concern for the environmental degradation and loss of habitats was transmitted to youth, who grew sensitized on the importance of preserving biodiversity before it is lost.

He was a fundamental ally of FAO’s work with indigenous peoples. He supported FAO’s activities in generating knowledge on indigenous peoples’ food systems, traditional knowledge and matrilineal societies. Besides, as Vice-Chair of NESFAS, an indigenous Organization of North East India that works closely with FAO’s indigenous People Unit, Professor Kyrham promoted a strong collaboration to develop relevant initiatives such as the mapping of dietary diversity score and nutrition-rich species in local indigenous peoples’ food systems, soil partnership, the seed treaty, among others. 

Professor Aurelius Kyrham Nongkynrih, notably contributed to indigenous peoples´ food systems work in Megalaya and to the 2020 FAO and IWGIA publication Territorial Management in Indigenous Matrifocal Societies. Case studies on the Khasi, Wayuu, Shipibo-Conibo and Moso people”.

His legacy will be essential to continue generating a better understanding of indigenous peoples, their food systems and their close relation to Mother Earth. 

May he rest in peace.