Year: 1988
Present ways of handling Nile perch are chiefly artisanal. Catching and landing by canoes , transfer to fish banda, thereafter distribution to markets and processing sites are all steps in a chain which lacks modern facilities. An exception is the [...]
Year: 1986
Summary of Planning Constraints and Priorities in African Fisheries (CIFA/85/Symp.1)
Planning for Aquaculture in Africa (CIFA/85/Symp.2)
The Fisheries management of Eight African Lakes (CIFA/85/Symp.5)
The Effects of the Sahelian Drought on the Fishery of the Central Niger Delta (CIFA/85/Symp.7)
Community Participation in Integrated Small-scale [...]
Year: 1986
Approximately 20 percent of Malawi is covered by water and its various rivers and lakes are extremely important elements in the economy and nutrition of the country. This bibliography lists the large and varied scientific literature which now exists on [...]

Year: 1985
Rivers drain all but the most arid areas of the earth through channels that are regu- lated by physical laws that impose on them certain forms. The ideal form is rarely encountered in practice and represents an end point to [...]

South and central America
Year: 1985
This bibliography was prepared following the recommendation made by the member countries of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL) at its Third Session (Mexico, DF, 30 November - 6 December 1983) to facilitate the access of research [...]
Year: 1984
Este informe recapitula los argumentos para la conservación de los recursos genéticos de los peces y las diversas estrategias para llevarla a cabo tanto en aguas continentales como en el mar. Recapitula la importancia de la diversidad genética, especialmente en [...]
Year: 1984
New Reservoirs in Africa, 1980–2000
Africa has one-third of the world's hydropower potential, but only 5 percent of it is developed. The growth of total reservoir surface area in Africa in each of the remaining decades to the year 2000 will [...]

Year: 1984
This is a report on African reservoir fisheries in two parts. The first part provides an overview of the perceptions of experienced reservoir fishery biologists and managers about the problems and potentialities of African reservoir fisheries, particularly about information necessary [...]
North America
Year: 1984
Information on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, populations, fisheries, fisheries management and culture of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), is compiled, reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO species synopsis style. New information indicates this species exhibits biological and life-cycle differences over [...]
Year: 1984
Information on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, populations, fisheries, and fisheries management of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), is compiled, reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO species synopsis style.