Рыболовство во внутренних водоемах

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Year: 1985
Visits were made between 2 October and 9 November 1983 to Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon to prepare a report on the state of water pollution in West and Central African inland waters. The document reports on sources [...]
South and central America
Year: 1985
Numerosas especies ícticas de las aguas continentales de América Latina realizan amplias migraciones con fines tróficos, reproductivos o para escaparse de condiciones adversas del ambiente. Se estudiaron estas migraciones mediante marcación o por observación directa en muchos sistemas fluviales. Este [...]
Year: 1985
Dans le présent document, il décrit les sources de pollution des eaux, les travaux de recherche consacrés à cette question, la législation en vigueur dans chacun des pays susmentionnés et suggère au Groupe de travail du CPCA de la pollution [...]
Year: 1984
This Symposium emphasized the importance of man-made habitat changes as a major factor which can have an adverse effect on fish stocks. Various impacts were considered, such as lake regulation, land drainage, gravel extraction, and canalisation.The most common impact of [...]
Year: 1984
A series of guidelines is presented which is intended to aid dam design and operating engineers to manipulate the artificial aquatic environments upstream and downstream so as to optimize fish production. The guidelines are based on reviews and in some [...]
Year: 1983
Le présent document examine les problèmes que pose ou que pourra poser dans l'avenir la qualité de l'eau dans les pêcheries d'eaux douces du Burundi, du Kenya, du Malawi, du Soudan, de la Tanzanie et de la Zambie, ainsi que [...]
Year: 1981
Present and future potential problems of water quality affecting freshwater fisheries in Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, the Sudan, Tanzania and Zambia have been examined, together with current and proposed methods of prevention and control of such problems. Suggestions are offered on [...]
Year: 1975
Floodplains are defined as those low lying areas, bordering rivers, which are seasonally inundated by overspill from the main river channel. During the dry season there is an accumulation of nutrients on the plain in the form of animal dung, rotting [...]
Year: 1975
Malgré les travaux considérables effectués ces dernières années sur la pêche dans les eaux continentales africaines, il est curieux de constater que l'on en a consacré très peu à la biologie des poissons de rivière. Or, ces derniers contribuent peut-être [...]
Year: 1973
 There are extensive data on the toxicity of zinc to fish laboratory conditions supported to some extent by field data on fish kills there are virtually no field observations to indicate the concentrations of zinc that are not inimical to [...]
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