Восстановление среды обитания, рыбоходы и режимы водотока
South and central America
Year: 2000
Los grandes bagres migratorios son objetos de pesca artesanal en casi toda la cuenca amazónica y de pesca industrial en el estuario del Amazonas. La pesca industrial, utiliza embarcaciones de hasta 50 toneladas de capacidad de bodega, desembarca las capturas [...]

Year: 1998
This manual is a compilation of the methodologies required for assessment of the needs for rehabilitation, the habitat requirements of fish and the various techniques for rehabilitating water courses. Value can be added to projects for restoring the aesthetic appeal [...]

Year: 1994
Le présent document résume les conclusions du Groupe de travail CPCA sur la pollution et les pêches. Il contient des recommandations concernant les stratégies de lutte contre la pollution aquatique, notamment l'établissement de normes de qualité de l'environnement, en insistant [...]
South and central America
Year: 1990
Este informe técnico contiene aspectos sobre el estado del medio ambiente de las aguas interiores de Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y Venezuela, así como sobre la reglamentación vigente y las instituciones nacionales para el control de la [...]

South and central America
Year: 1989
This technical paper summarizes data available in Latin America on structures designed to help fish surmount the obstacles which hinder their migrations and which are due to dam construction. It analyses installation designs, modes of operation and efficiency and discusses [...]
Russian Federation
Year: 1989
This technical paper provides information on provisions, made in the USSR, to facilitate fish migration under conditions of modified river flow resulting from engineering construction (e.g. dams) and water abstraction. The fish-pass and fish protection structures described utilise a knowledge [...]
Structures assisting the migrations of non-salmonid fish: Latin America. COPESCAL TECHNICAL PAPER 5.
South and central America
Year: 1989
This technical paper summarizes data available in Latin America on structures designed to help fish surmount the obstacles which hinder their migrations and which are due to dam construction. It analyses installation designs, modes of operation and efficiency and discusses [...]
South and central America
Year: 1988
Este documento técnico recopila la información existente en América Latina con respecto a las instalaciones para asistir a los peces en la superación de los obstáculos para sus desplazamientos localizados y migraciones, debidos a la construcción de presas. Se analizan [...]
Year: 1987
This summary is an attempt to generalise from fragmentary information, and the conclusiions reached should not be used as a basis for action without reference to the main report. For water.pollution control purposes, the concentration-addition model for describing the joint [...]
South and central America
Year: 1986
Este documento contiene 16 trabajos científicos presentados al Taller Internacional sobre Ecología y Manejo de Peces en Lagos y Embalses que se celebró en Santiago de Chile, en Noviembre de 1984, y en el cual participaron 24 expertos de 11 [...]