Управление рыболовством во внутренних водоемах
Year: 1994
Twenty one species of fish, four species of crustaceans and one mollusc species have been introduced into Zambia. They can be classified into several groups by chronology: introductions during the 1940s and 1950s; the first tilapia introductions (1945–1950); the second [...]
Year: 1994
ALCOM has been assisting the Fisheries Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana in implementing the project “Development of small reservoir fisheries”.
During phase one, a socio-economic survey around seven smaller reservoirs showed that there is sparse hook and line fishing on those [...]
South and central America
Year: 1994
En el presente documento se examina la situación de la pesca y la acuicultura de aguas frías en 12 estados de América Latina. Sólo unas pocas especies autóctonas de aguas frías (Basilichthys y Orestias) revisten importancia económica. En la Argentina, desde principios [...]
South and central America
Year: 1994
En este trabajo se discuten algunos criterios para la clasificación de los embalses de acuerdo a su tamaño, rendimiento pesquero y grado de explotación. Esto constituye por lo tanto un aporte para la definición de los “pequeños cuerpos de agua” [...]
Practical aspects of stocking small water bodies. An example from Zimbabwe. CIFA TECHNICAL PAPER 28.
Year: 1994
Stocking of reservoirs is one of the management interventions that can be used to increase fish production. Zimbabwe has around 12 000 man-made reservoirs and many of these have been stocked with fish in the past. Species were selected in [...]
Year: 1993
The Technical Consultation on the Enhancement of Small Water Body Fisheries in Southern Africa was organized by ALCOM in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 25 January to 29 January, 1993. Fifty two participants and observers from within and outside the region attended.
This [...]
Year: 1993
International codes of practice on the use of exotic species were used to judge the desirability of utilizing Chinese carp for increased food production and control of aquatic vegetation in Mozambique. Resource managers, scientists, fishers, fish farmers, and local fish [...]
Year: 1993
This report summarizes the results of a four-year Government of Malawi/UNDP/FAO project to establish the basis for a management strategy for the chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries in the South-East Arm of Lake Malawi, the upper Shire River and Lake Malombe. [...]

Year: 1992
Species composition analysis was used to determine the relationships between the different mechanised fisheries and between these and other techniques. All chambo species were found to be heavily exploited by both mechanised and artisanal sectors, indicating that a single assessment [...]
Year: 1992
With the publication of the Source Book for the Inland Fishery Resources of Africa (SIFRA) information on more than 900 inland waters of Africa became available. As information on fisheries under varying exploitation is limited for a large number of [...]