克罗尼维亚农业联合工作是一项具有里程碑意义的决定 (第4 / CP.23号决定) 认识到农业在应对气候变化方面的独特潜力,该决定出台于2017年在斐济举行的第23次缔约方会议,作为推进《联合国气候变化框架公约》中有关农业讨论的新进程。
在《联合国气候变化框架公约科学和技术咨询附属机构及实施工作附属机构牵头并与十大组成机构共同推进下和 在《联合国气候变化框架公约》科学和技术咨询附属机构及实施工作附属机构牵头并与十大组成机构共同推进下, 各国同意共同开展工作,确保农业发展既能改善气候变化情况下的粮食安全,又能减少排放。这一联合工作涉及六大主题,即土壤、养分利用、水、牲畜、适应性评估方法以及气候变化对整个农业部门的社会经济和粮食安全影响.
The KJWA is an inclusive process. Countries and observers submit their views and recommendations on each topic through submissions (see UNFCCC submission portal), which are discussed at workshops organized by the UNFCCC secretariat. The Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) will report back on the outcomes of the KJWA to COP 26 in November 2021, and this will determine the way forward.
The Koronivia roadmap provides a timeline of the in-session workshops and determines how the joint work will be organized. Workshops for each of the six KJWA topics will be held during the 2018-2020 SB sessions, which take place twice a year: in May/June in Bonn and in conjunction with the Conferences of Parties (COP), in November/December.
*Please note that the KJWA roadmap may change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic